Search Results for: taryn watkins

Teacher becomes ‘Bride of Christ’ as she is consecrated to the Order of Virgins

Christine Pinheiro prostrates herself on the sanctuary floor of St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on Feb. 5 as the Litany of the Saints is sung during the Mass at which she was consecrated to the Order of Virgins. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Wearing a wedding dress as she stood before Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka, Christine Pinheiro resolved to accept consecration as a bride of Christ last Saturday at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. A Latin and theology teacher at Peoria Notre Dame, she became the sixth woman in the Diocese of Peoria to be consecrated to the […]

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Peoria Notre Dame teacher prepares for the gift of consecrated virginity

Christine Pinheiro teaches Latin and theology at Peoria Notre Dame High School and said some of her students may attend her consecration to the Order of Virgins on Feb. 5 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Christine Pinheiro smiles even before she answers a question about consecrated virginity. “I love my vocation and talking about my vocation,” she said. Pinheiro will be consecrated to the Order of Virgins during a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria next Saturday, Feb. 5. It will take place at 10:30 a.m. with Coadjutor Bishop […]

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‘On the Way of Fulton Sheen’ — Pilgrims walk on Rock Island Trail to his tomb

Taking the lead on Sept. 25 is Blake Brooks, one of the organizers of "On the Way with Fulton Sheen," which took pilgrims from Princeville to the tomb of Fulton Sheen at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. He said the goal was to help people grow in their devotion of Sheen and renew their own spiritual lives. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

To anybody walking or biking along the Rock Island Trail in Peoria on a recent weekend, it might not seem all that extraordinary for a group of about 25 people to be making the journey together. It’s what they couldn’t see that was important. “The way is simple — it’s just a lot of walking. […]

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‘Art of Faith’ show opens online Feb. 18; brings hope, connection despite pandemic

After much thought, Jill Rodts decided to hold the Art of Faith Sacred Art Show and Sale as a way of reminding people that God remains faithful and close during these challenging days. (Provided photo)

UPDATED ON FEB. 25 ROCK ISLAND — Art has a reach that goes well beyond what the eye can see, and that became evident as the 10th annual Art of Faith Sacred Art Show and Sale kicked off on Feb. 18. “The reality of art is that it inspires us, it lifts our minds and […]

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‘Longing in a Time of Exile’: In solidarity, solace with those desiring the Eucharist

A tabernacle lamp burns in this photo illustration by Taryn Watkins.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following prose poem was written by Taryn Watkins, a consecrated virgin for the Diocese of Peoria, an artist, and a teacher at St. Philomena School in Peoria. She submitted her work “in the hope that it it could be a source of solace and solidarity” in this time of suspended public Masses […]

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St. Philomena teacher to be consecrated to Order of Virgins at cathedral Dec. 8

The symbols of a vocation to consecrated virginity include a wedding veil and ring, to signify the spousal relationship between the consecrated virgin and the Lord, and the Liturgy of the Hours so that she can enter in the prayer of the church. (Provided photo by Taryn Watkins)

Taryn Watkins can’t wait to share what God has been doing in her life. She will do that on Sunday, Dec. 8, when she is consecrated to the Order of Virgins by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. The ritual will take place during the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. “The process […]

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Artists, musicians named for March 2-3 sacred art show, sale in Rock Island

The Sacred Heart of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, drawn with colored pencils by Jill Rodts, is the signature piece for the Art of Faith show at Farrell Hall of St. Pius X Church in Rock Island. (Provided photo)

ROCK ISLAND — Artists and musicians for the Art of Faith, a juried sacred art show and sale being held this weekend, have been announced by Jill Rodts, founder and organizer. This year’s theme is “The Merciful Love of Jesus — Art of the Sacred Heart.” People may come and meet the artists, be serenaded […]

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Newman chapel dedicated; center renamed for Pope John Paul II

Photo Caption: Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, prays just inside the doors of the new Chapel of St. Robert Bellarmine at the start of the Dedication Mass in Normal Nov. 7. By: By Jennifer Willems NORMAL — Filled to overflowing with people, praise and gratitude, the new Chapel of St. Robert Bellarmine on the campus […]

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