By: Tom Dermody - December 15, 2022 -
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Pictured during a welcome potluck hosted Nov. 29 by Immaculate Conception Parish in Monmouth are recently arrived refugees from Ukraine Stepan Skrypnychenko and Olesia Chychaova (left) and the Bud family, including parents Vitalii and Irene and children Zack (12) and twins Milena and Mark (9), holding gifts to them presented at the dinner. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
MONMOUTH — Irene and Vitalii Bud held out for eight months before deciding to leave their beloved-but-war-torn homeland of Ukraine with their three children. However, when Russian bombs reached their city of Rivne and power plants were being targeted as the bitter cold of winter approached, the Bud family fled on a journey that eventually […]
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By: Tom Dermody - December 15, 2022 -
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Forty parish music directors, choir directors, and organists shared their favorite Christmas hymns in a Catholic Post survey this month. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
“O Holy Night” edged out “Silent Night” as the favorite Christmas hymn or carol in a Catholic Post survey of parish music directors, choir directors, or organists/accompanists from across the Diocese of Peoria. “I have heard it sung by so many different singers, and each rendition is beautiful in its own way,” said Mary Edgerley, […]
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By: Jennifer Willems - December 12, 2022 -
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Bishop Louis Tylka, as Archbishop Juan de Zumarraga, removes the tilma from Juan Diego, played by Jeronimo Corral, that bears the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, so it can be venerated. Looking on is Deacon Aaron Hoste. In real life, the garment Juan Diego wore in 1531 is now displayed in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
SILVIS — Making his first visit to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church here on Dec. 10, Bishop Louis Tylka joined parishioners for a festive Mass and dinner honoring their patroness, whose feast day is Dec. 12. And who better to play the role of Archbishop Juan de Zumarraga, to whom the Blessed Mother sent Juan […]
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By: Tom Dermody - December 3, 2022 -
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Bishop Louis Tylka is surrounded by the 20 permanent deacons he ordained Dec. 3 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. On his right is Msgr. Philip Halfacre, vicar general, and on his left is Msgr. Tim Nolan, episcopal vicar for the permanent diaconate. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
In ordaining 20 permanent deacons for the Diocese of Peoria on Saturday at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Bishop Louis Tylka asked them not to see the joy-filled liturgy as the culmination of more than five years of preparation, but rather “the beginning of what is to come” in their life of service. “The world looks to […]
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By: Jennifer Willems - November 30, 2022 -
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Father Robert Lampitt, head chaplain at St. John's Catholic Newman Center, said this conceptual drawing shows the direction they are going with the renovation of St. John's Chapel at the University of Illinois in Champaign. "The colors might be adjusted a bit," he said. "We're going to get it right." Provided artwork
CHAMPAIGN — For more than 20 years, leaders at St. John’s Catholic Newman Center have dreamed of renovating and restoring St. John’s Chapel. Starting Dec. 19, work will begin to make that dream a reality. “We’ve worked really hard on all of our ministries, our pastoral efforts, to sharpen those and give them greater focus […]
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By: Jennifer Willems - November 21, 2022 -
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Bishop Louis Tylka and Father Adam Cesarek are seen talking about evangelization in a new video for the "Growing Disciples" process. The conversation was filmed at Sacré-Coeur Retreat Center in Magnolia by Sam Mangieri of Fiat Films. (Provided photo/Sam Mangieri)
Evangelization isn’t as scary and difficult as people imagine and in a new video, Bishop Louis Tylka and Father Adam Cesarek talk about the beauty and simplicity of sharing what Jesus has done for us. Part of the “Growing Disciples” pastoral planning process, the video is designed to explore one of the five foundations on […]
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By: Jennifer Willems - November 18, 2022 -
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Bishop Louis Tylka smiles as he receives a gift basket from the Cursillo en Espanol community from Evelio Aguilarat the Diocesan Ultreya on Nov. 5. Included were a flower and Mexican snacks and soft drinks.. Looking on are Deacon Gabriel Guerrero (left) and Deacon Rick Miller. (Provided photo/Greg Taylor)
After four years of being separated due to the pandemic, the Cursillo community reconnected in a big way on Nov. 5 with a Diocesan Ultreya at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Joining them for the first time was Bishop Louis Tylka, who celebrated the Mass. The celebration was hosted by Peoria Cursillo and drew members […]
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By: Jennifer Willems - November 17, 2022 -
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Shown here are the 20 permanent deacon candidates of Class XI and their wives, who were involved in their formation over the last six years. The candidates will be ordained by Bishop Louis Tylka on Saturday, Dec. 3, at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. (Graphic by Sonia Nelson)
On Saturday, Dec. 3, the permanent diaconate of the Diocese of Peoria will grow to 134 when Bishop Louis Tylka ordains 20 men at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The Mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. A reception will follow at the nearby Spalding Pastoral Center. The celebration is expected to fill the cathedral, so […]
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By: Tom Dermody - November 16, 2022 -
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Following a talk, Abide in Me retreatants are led on a "trust walk" around the parish grounds and into St. Mary of Lourdes Church in Germantown Hills by Karen Hertzner, one of the presenters who also served as masters of ceremonies for the weekend. (Provided photo/Katie Bogner)
GERMANTOWN HILLS — Lindsey Britton encountered God’s love in a personal way at the Abide in Me diocese-wide youth retreat Nov. 5-6 hosted by St. Mary of Lourdes Parish here. But the freshman at Alleman High School in Rock Island got an unexpected bonus. “I met God, but also met myself and who God wants […]
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By: Tom Dermody - November 2, 2022 -
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Bishop Louis Tylka blesses the newly renovated chapel at Resurrection Mausoleum in Peoria at the start of a noon Mass on All Souls Day, Nov. 2. The bishop announced the chapel will now be named the Chapel of St. Joseph of Arimathea. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
All Souls Day is not a sad day, said Bishop Louis Tylka, because “death is not the end” and “we are a people of hope waiting for that day when we will all be united in God’s eternal kingdom.” Bishop Tylka was the principal celebrant of a Mass on Nov. 2 — the Commemoration of […]
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