The Catholic Post opens subscription campaign; help ‘Spread the Word’

The Catholic Post’s 2022 Delivering Unity Campaign has begun, inviting subscriptions and support for the diocesan newspaper’s mission under the theme “Spread the Word.”

To renew or begin a subscription online via credit card, click here.

“The Diocese of Peoria is our large family of faith in central Illinois,” wrote Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in a promotional letter to all parishes. “As with any family, it is important that we stay connected, listen to one another, and make an effort to know one another. And a vital way that is done among our 26 counties is through the print and digital efforts of our excellent diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Post.”

The subscription price remains at $30. Those wishing to provide additional support for the newspaper’s mission are invited to consider gifts of $50 (Evangelizer Level), $100 (Page Sponsor level, allowing a message to be placed atop one of our pages), and $300 or more (Msgr. Peters Society level, honoring the memory of a longtime editor and publisher.)

Following is the full text of Bishop Jenky’s letter:


When there is news in our families, whether good or challenging, it spreads quickly. An engagement, the birth of a child or grandchild, or someone taking ill results in a flurry of emails, phone calls, and social media posts sharing our joy or inviting prayer.

The Diocese of Peoria is our large family of faith in central Illinois. As with any family, it is important that we stay connected, listen to one another, and make an effort to know one another. And a vital way that is done among our 26 counties is through the print and digital efforts of our excellent diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Post.

The Catholic Post is launching its 2022 Delivering Unity Campaign with a theme of “Spread the Word.” The theme reflects the call of every baptized Catholic to share the good news of Jesus Christ. It also calls to mind The Catholic Post’s mission of reporting on the words and actions of the People of God. Further, it invites readers to assist that mission — through financial support, prayer, and sharing the Post’s stories and photos, including via social media.

I strongly urge your support and readership. Details about how to subscribe are printed below. Thank you for choosing to be an informed Catholic, united with your family of faith across our great diocese. With prayers for your health and for your own efforts to “Spread the Word” in 2022, I am

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC


SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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