
Deacon Will Clark, in the Diocese of Peoria’s second diaconate class, dies at 89

MONMOUTH – A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at 10:30 am, Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Monmouth, for Deacon William (Will) Clark, who served the Diocese of Peoria as a deacon for more than 45 years. Deacon Will, 89, passed away on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at his home […]

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“Read Across America” celebrated at St. Patrick School in Washington March 2-6

Washington St. Patrick School third graders Harry Freehill (left) and Ashton Berlett experience a “book tasting” during “Read Across America” week March 2-6.

WASHINGTON – The entire student body of Washington St. Patrick School participated “Read Across America,” a national week-long celebration from March 2-6. Mrs. Kathy Schlack’s third grade class was among those taking part. Mrs. Schlack was recognized as one of National Catholic Education Association’s top ten most distinguished teachers in 2013. This year, Schlack started […]

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Pro-life March (Springfield) and Life and Freedom Rally (Peoria) – March 25

Marchers of all ages joined the 2024 Illinois March for Life in Springfield. Central Illinois Right to Life is again inviting freedom riders from the Diocese of Peoria to literally and figuratively “get on the bus” again this year.

“It’s important that people care about pre-born children. We’re trying to overcome the apathy in our society.” That’s what Dan Smith of Central Illinois Right to Life wants to remind pro-lifers in the diocese of Peoria – the battle has shifted from Roe to the states, and Illinois is once again at the forefront of […]

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St. Patrick blazed a trail of evangelism still alive with promise

Bishop Louis Tylka (second from left), and diocesan staff, family and friends pose in front of the Diocese of Peoria’s St. Patrick’s Day parade float on March 17, 2025.

In his homily at the St. Patrick’s Day Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on March 17, Bishop Louis Tylka zeroed in on why the saint is still so relevant to Christians today. FROM SLAVE TO SAINT Bishop Tylka traced the arc of Patrick’s life – from enslavement in Ireland as a youth, to […]

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Rite of Election – Mouro family join 377 preparing for Easter entry into Church

The Mouro family of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Peoria Heights pose in front of the tomb of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen after the Rite of Election at St. Mary’s Cathedral on March 8. (Left to right): Truman (13), Katria (20), Cameron, Laura, Levi (in front of Laura, 8) Haven (17), Pearl (10) Semaiah (15), and Amalea (12). (supplied photo)

During the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion which took place in separate weekend sessions on March 8 and 9 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, 377 catechumens and candidates gathered to be called by name by Bishop Louis Tylka. When he came to the contingent from St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in […]

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Letter to Priests – Legislation on Assisted Suicide

March 12, 2025 Dear Monsignors and Fathers, Our Lenten journey is marked with prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and I am writing to you to ask that you consider offering your prayers and fasting to help us stop the effort to legalize assisted suicide in Illinois. There are two identical pieces of legislation that would legalize […]

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St. Philomena teacher writes the books she wants for her students

They say if you want something done right, do it for yourself. A faith teacher for sixth through eighth graders at St Philomena Catholic School in Peoria, Katie Bogner has taken this advice to heart. Bogner has now written five books: “Through the Year with Jesus;” “Through the Year with Mary;” “We Have a Pope;” […]

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10 new candidates for permanent deaconate received at St. Mary’s Cathedral on March 1

Bishop Louis Tylka stands with new candidates for the permanent diaconate at St. Mary’s Cathedral on March 1. Front row, from left: Michael Rodman, Jose Gutierrez, Michael Boyer, Bishop Tylka, Christopher Pickens, and Mark Landsly. Back row: Andrew Olson, Julian Lopez-Espinoza, Msgr. Philip Halfacre (vicar general), Msgr. Timothy Nolan (episcopal vicar for the permanent diaconate), Michael Eppley, Gregory Massey, and Peter Smudde. (Theresa Lindley/Diocese of Peoria)

The permanent deacons of the Diocese of Peoria gathered for their annual Deacon Convocation March 1 in Peoria. At the Mass which started the day at St. Mary’s Cathedral, ten men were received as candidates for the permanent diaconate for the Diocese of Peoria. They are: Michael Boyer of St. Patrick, Washington; Michael Eppley of […]

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