
Fear, faith, and films

Yes, we see that the horror film “Paranormal Activity 3” is atop the movie box office. That’s sad, given the satanic elements of the plot and crude language, but not unexpected as Halloween approaches. Still, October has been a surprisingly good month for inspirational fare in theaters. And since we embrace The Christophers’ motto that […]

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Celebrate with Maryknoll Oct. 16 at St. Mary’s Cathedral

World Mission Sunday is Oct. 23, but Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria have a rare opportunity this Sunday, Oct. 16, to start the celebration early and personalize it. Members of the mission society Maryknoll, which is celebrating 100 years of spreading the Gospel in more than 40 countries, will be present at St. Mary’s […]

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Archbishop Myers’ impact evident in diocese decade later

Ten years ago on Oct. 9, Bishop John J. Myers — the seventh Bishop of Peoria, a native of Earlville, and a longtime priest of this diocese — was installed as the new Archbishop of Newark, N.J. While a decade has passed since Archbishop left his home diocese, the impact his strong leadership had on […]

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Thank you, Jeanne Whalen

If you have been a part of almost any diocesan committee or commission for the past three decades, you likely have witnessed — and marveled at — the faith and the organizational skills of Jeanne Whalen. A member of the diocesan staff since 1981 and a former director of evangelization and youth ministry, Jeanne has […]

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A prayer with, and for, our president

EDITOR’S NOTE: On Wednesday, President Barack Obama visited two rural communities in the Diocese of Peoria, Atkinson and Alpha, and also made a surprise stop in Galesburg. In Atkinson, Father Tony Lee, pastor of St. Anthony’s Parish, was asked to give the invocation. (See story here.) While the president had yet to arrive when the […]

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A friend in need

Photo Caption: A malnourished child rests inside the pediatric ward at the Banadir Hospital in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu. — CNS Photo/Reuters In this age of social media, we doubt that this child of God is anyone’s Facebook friend. Unlike those familiar, smiling faces of family members or rediscovered high school and college friends in our […]

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Be not afraid when changes affect life, or your parish

A robin’s nest rests still and empty on the bend of a gutter downspout just a few feet from my home’s living room window. But for four weeks this summer, that window provided a marvelous view of one of nature’s life cycles. We first noticed flapping in late June as Mother Robin sized up the […]

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100-year crossroads for Catholic press

Imagine if Edward Cooney, who 100 years ago was named the founding president of a new organization called the Catholic Press Association, were to be transported in time from that era to today. How could Cooney possibly comprehend the changes and challenges unfolding in our digital age, evidenced anew last week when Pope Benedict XVI […]

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Bishop Jenky: “Imminent risk” to Catholic Charities’ mission

Editor’s note: This is the full text of a June 7 letter by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, to Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria. For more information, see related story here. —– To the Priests, Deacons, Religious and Laity of the Diocese of Peoria Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is with enormous […]

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Yes, the end is coming

The jokes were flying last week concerning fundamentalist radio preacher Harold Camping’s claim that the world was going to end on May 21. We’re not sure why some people can’t accept Jesus’ own words in the Gospel of Matthew that “no one knows the day or the hour” of his return, but we suppose predictions […]

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