Be a pro-life hero

Who is your pro-life hero? Who is the first person to come to mind when you read the words “respect life?”

Is it a giant in the faith like Blessed John Paul II or Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta? Is it someone national in scope like Nellie Gray, who founded the national March for Life; Father Frank Pavone, who heads Priests for Life; or a newcomer like Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director now speaking on behalf of the unborn?

Is it someone on the diocesan level? The Diocese of Peoria has had exceptional pro-life leadership in the 40 years since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion. Our bishops — from Edward W. O’Rourke to John J. Myers to Daniel R. Jenky — have not only taught but walked the talk. There is Jan Smith, the humble founder of the Family Resources Center. We think of Sister Mary Jo Yutt, Dan Smith, John-Paul Deddens, Karen Guth, Sondra McEnroe, the late Father John J. Dietzen. The list goes on and, praise God, on.

Is it someone more personal, such as your own mother or father, a community leader, a local priest, physician, teacher, activist? Is it someone like the volunteers in Streator featured on our back page who are assisting mothers in need?

Would anyone think of you?

If not, we can think of more than 55 million reasons to pray and act not only in the coming days, but in the coming years. The Nine Day Novena described on page 10, as well as the host of Roe vs. Wade anniversary observances all represent good starts. But only starts. — Thomas J. Dermody

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