
Bishop invites men to consider joining the Knights of Columbus

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky processes through a Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Honor Guard at the recent Erin Feis in Peoria. Following is the full text of a Sept. 14 letter from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC: —– Sept. 14, 2012Triumph of the Cross My dear Brothers in Christ, As Catholic men, we are called […]

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Civil, yet strong

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York this week invited the Republican and Democratic candidates for president and vice president to sign a petition seeking civil dialogue and to refrain from personal attacks in the two months remaining in the campaign leading up to the November election. No word by our deadline whether any of the […]

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Our appetite for violence sours with its real taste

A Catholic life embraces mystery on so many levels. We don’t know how the bread and wine become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. We don’t know what heaven is really like. Our rosary meditations help us reflect on mysteries of joy, sorrow, glory and light in the lives of the Blessed Mother […]

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Our appetite for violence sours with its real taste

Photo Caption: A woman prays at a memorial July 22 for victims behind the theater where a gunman opened fire on moviegoers in Aurora, Colo. A Catholic life embraces mystery on so many levels. We don’t know how the bread and wine become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. We don’t know what […]

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A need patron saint of new media and the new evangelization

The workshop titles at the Catholic Media Convocation in late June would have made no sense to anyone in Catholic journalism even a decade ago.“Should I Do An App?” “Bloggers and Catholic Journalism.” “The 7 Deadly Sins of Facebook and Twitter.” “Pinterest — More than Just Recipes.” And my favorite: “Mobile Journalism: Turning Your iPhones […]

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Looking for religious freedom heroes this Independence Day

For Catholics, Independence Day 2012 is more than a day to remember and honor the heroes of our nation from its founding through today. It’s a time to be one. Faced with threats to our religious liberty and our Catholic institutions, our church leaders have asked that we observe a “Fortnight for Freedom” starting this […]

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Fathers and families

As Father’s Day approaches on June 17, the state of traditional family life in the United States has never been more uncertain. About 1 in 4 babies are now born to unmarried couples, a rate that has nearly doubled since 2002. Married adults now divorce two-and-a-half times as often as adults did 20 years ago […]

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Attitude of GRADitude

Interspersed within this issue of The Catholic Post, and especially within our special section honoring jubilarian priests and consecrated women, are the seeds for a pretty good commencement talk. So cue “Pomp and Circumstance” as we pull out a few quotes that those graduating from elementary schools, high schools, and colleges — indeed all of […]

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Bless them all

An emotional highlight of the “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” happens early in the program when Father Jerry Logan calls forward fathers and their sons in attendance on the Peoria riverfront. He then encourages the fathers to bless their sons as the Litany of St. Joseph is prayed. It is powerful to watch […]

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Bishop Jenky’s boldest claims in homily going unreported

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky elevates the chalice during the Mass on April 14 for participants in “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith.” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky’s homily at the “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” Mass in Peoria on April 14 is making headlines and creating Internet buzz because it included some startling […]

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