
Catholic men, give presence to our anniversary bishop Saturday

Photo Caption: Hundreds of Catholic men take part in the 2011 “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith.” The 2012 men’s march and Mass is Saturday, April 14. So you’re a grand knight or some other leader in a Knights of Columbus council in our diocese, and you’ve learned in this special issue of The […]

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Ring in St. Patrick’s Day

Photo Caption: Pope Benedict XVI rings the International Eucharistic Congress Bell at the Vatican March 14. A couple of my brothers are on a Facebook crusade to right a wrong. Whenever they come across a St. Patrick’s Day-related promotion that has a four-leaf clover, rather than the three-leaf shamrock the nation’s patron used to symbolize […]

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Behold, an amazing day for all Catholic women

In only its third year, the Behold Conference has gone from a parish-based, grassroots gathering promoting the dignity and vocation of women to a major annual Catholic event that is drawing interest well beyond central Illinois. That doesn’t happen without a lot of prayer, hard work, and Holy Spirit-inspired creativity — traits plainly evident in […]

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Our prophetic bishop

As 2012 began, our Bishop of Peoria issued a teaching document that, let’s face it, didn’t have the most grab-your-interest title: “Secularism.” But the days that followed its Jan. 8 release make Bishop Jenky seem like a prophet, and his teaching more of a must-read than ever. The bishop, you recall, warned of a political […]

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Marching orders for the Catholic army: Your ideas?

Photo Caption: Here are some ideas for how Catholics can respond to threats to religious liberty posed most recently by health insurance regulations that would require church organizations to violate beliefs. In the strongest language we’ve heard from Catholic leaders in memory, including our own Bishop Jenky, Catholics are being called to action. “Spiritual and […]

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Be a pro-life hero

Who is your pro-life hero? Who is the first person to come to mind when you read the words “respect life?” Is it a giant in the faith like Blessed John Paul II or Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta? Is it someone national in scope like Nellie Gray, who founded the national March for Life; […]

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Occupy…a confessional near you

Photo Caption: Only about 25 percent of Catholics take part in the sacrament of reconciliation once a year or more, according to a report by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. Unfair! About 25 percent of Catholics seem to have more graces than the rest, according to latest data. Are you listening, Catholic […]

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A Penn State-inspired exam . . . of conscience

Jesus may have weighed in on the Penn State scandal in last Sunday’s Gospel. “Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me,” said Jesus in his story of the Son of Man separating the sheep from the goats on judgment day. […]

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It’s a love story

The secular media is on to the story. Well, kind of. “Big changes to Catholic Mass spur confusion in pews,” headlined CNN on Nov. 4, with a lead sentence that the Mass is undergoing a “major overhaul.” “Catholic Church unveils strict Latin translation” blared the New York Post the following day. “Overhaul of Catholic Mass […]

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