It’s a love story
The secular media is on to the story. Well, kind of.
“Big changes to Catholic Mass spur confusion in pews,” headlined CNN on Nov. 4, with a lead sentence that the Mass is undergoing a “major overhaul.”
“Catholic Church unveils strict Latin translation” blared the New York Post the following day.
“Overhaul of Catholic Mass inspires debate,” was the theme of an Oct. 28 story in the Washington Post, telling of “a shift that some leaders warn could cause ‘ritual whiplash.'”
Expect more of the same — stories and headlines frequently emphasizing controversy and division — as the Nov. 27 date of the implementation of new English translation of the Roman Missal approaches.
Because it would be a shame if negative accounts were the only introduction some Catholics were to have for what their church has spent years praying over and preparing for, we are happy to supply this special issue of The Catholic Post with a slightly different focus.
While not blind to concerns that even minor changes to something as familiar and beloved as our Mass can generate, we hope our pages this week and in past issues offer a truer image of the real love story set to play out in the coming weeks in all our churches . . . if we use the opportunity for deeper renewal and appreciation.
We congratulate and thank all — diocesan leaders, pastors, choir directors, catechists — who are guiding us through this transition. The resources to understand the changes are plentiful. A wonderful introduction is the 11-minute video produced by the Diocese of Peoria. If you missed its showing at Mass in October, or wish to view it again, the video can be seen by clicking the YouTube link at “Encounter: Our New and Ancient Mass”. — Thomas J. Dermody