
Giving up, giving of

Here comes Lent and with it the question so many Catholics ask one another: “What are you giving up?” My go-to give-ups are salty snacks and/or diet soda. But while doing without Doritos and Diet Coke for 40 days is physically healthy, I don’t think that “sacrifice” alone increases my spiritual health in anticipation of […]

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Explanatory Masses at two parishes offer insights into ‘something heavenly’

Celebrating explanatory Masses in recent days were Msgr. Brian Brownsey (left) at St. Mark Church in Peoria and Father David Sabel at at Catholic Schools Week Mass at St. Mary Church in Pontiac. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“What’s happening before your eyes is something heavenly,” said Msgr. Brian Brownsey prior to beginning the Eucharistic Prayer. “This is the most important meal of our lives,” reminded Father David Sabel upon reaching the Liturgy of the Eucharist. For one day at St. Mark Church in Peoria and St. Mary Church in Pontiac, the pastors […]

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No alternative facts, but The Catholic Post does support alternative way of life

Fake news. Alternative facts.  A president who has called reporters “the most dishonest people” and this week accused the media of intentionally covering up terrorist attacks. A “post-truth” culture in which objective facts and divinely inspired moral principles no longer have much pull in people’s lives. And a social media landscape in which anyone with […]

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‘Miracle in Chillicothe’ celebrated as reopened St. Edward School is blessed

Bishop Jenky blesses the newly restored St. Edward School in Chillicothe during a ceremony in its foyer on Jan. 29. Making the sign of the cross to his left is Father Keith Walder, pastor. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

  CHILLICOTHE — A fundraising summer snowball that came to be known as the “Miracle in Chillicothe” was joyfully celebrated Jan. 29 with the blessing of a newly restored and reopened St. Edward School. “This small parish, this small school, this small town pulled together,” said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, who joined the St. […]

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Celebrate our Catholic schools

As Catholic Schools Week begins this Sunday, students and teachers are ready to celebrate in a variety of ways. For the rest of us, we suggest a few homework assignments to join in the fun and grow in appreciation of the treasure we have in our midst. First, take a good look at the special […]

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All life is sacred, even Dylann Roof’s

Defending innocent human life, such as the pre-born, is one thing. Speaking up for the life of an unrepentant multi-murderer is quite another. Proclaiming God’s mercy is usually a wonderful Christian duty. Proclaiming it for Dylann Roof takes courage. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone of Charlotte had courage in reminding Catholics of church teaching after jurors […]

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Optimism, resolve blend at Life Rally in Peoria on eve of inauguration

Among those taking part in a prayerful walk in downtown Peoria against abortion on Jan. 19 were four members of the Franciscan Sisters of John the Baptist. From left, they are Sister Marion Hudacova, Mother Vaclava Ballon, Sister Lea Stefancova and Sister Salezia Rudyova. The walk preceded a Life Rally sponsored by Central Illinois Right to Life. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Nearing age 90 with the latter half of his life devoted to the pro-life movement,  Joe Scheidler struck an optimistic tone Jan. 19 as he challenged his Peoria audience to “stay firm in your convictions.” “Abortions are down,” he said near the conclusion of the annual Life Rally sponsored by Central Illinois Right to Life […]

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13,000 college students open new year by growing in their faith at SEEK 2017

St. Joseph Catholic Newman Center at Bradley University in Peoria sponsored a bus trip to SEEK 2017 in San Antoino that drew 50 students. (Provided photo)

In need of reigniting the fire for her Catholic faith, Liz Schultz found the spark she needed during SEEK 2017. “I was kind of struggling in my faith, especially in my prayer life,” acknowledged Schultz, a Bradley University senior nursing student from Groveland. She was among 13,000 people — nearly all college students — who […]

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Former school comes down, but Sacred Heart Parish in Rock Island is on the rise

The Sacred Heart name is seen above the main entrance to the former school, built in 1923. (Provided photo)

ROCK ISLAND — The former Sacred Heart School here has come down, but Sacred Heart Parish is “going up,” according to Father Anthony Co, pastor. “God wants to bless this place,” said Father Co during a Christmas Eve Mass homily at the historic church, located for more than a century along busy 5th Avenue and […]

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President Trump

As 2017 begins, with its blank calendar pages representing mysteries waiting to unfold in all aspects of our lives, a giant question mark on the national and world scene is what President Donald Trump will do, say, or — heaven help us — tweet in the days and months after his inauguration on Jan. 20. […]

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