
October surprise: We invite Mr. Trump, Mrs. Clinton

The Catholic Post, like the Catholic Church itself, is non-partisan. We do not endorse candidates, though some readers might wish it so. Throughout this election season, we have pointed to resources to help Catholics form their consciences and make decisions. We’ve promoted parish and regional presentations on the importance of voting, carried a statement on […]

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Taking Cursillo into prisons not just a work of mercy, it’s a work of love

More than 50 men at the Danville Correctional Center took the opportunity to participate in the Cursillo weekend in September. Many of them were committed Christians who were well-versed in the Bible, which team members found humbling and inspiring. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

DANVILLE — Driving to the Danville Correctional Center with a Cursillo team recently, Laura Mohrbacher admits to feeling some apprehension. Prisons always seemed like dark, dangerous places and she had no intention of going into one — even for Cursillo. God kept tapping her on the shoulder, however, asking her to think about it. Since […]

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103 candles grace birthday cake for Princeville woman Oct. 23

Dorothy Gilles is observing her 103rd birthday this Sunday, Oct. 23. Her family is planning a celebration of her life at her residence and readers of The Catholic Post can join in by sending cards to her at Cornerstone Rehab and Care Center, 5533 N. Galena Road, Peoria Heights, IL 61616. She received more than 200 […]

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Youth Rally 2016 planned for Nov. 12; invites teens to explore their ‘Identity’

Mike Gormley and Emily Wilson will be the presenters for Youth Rally 2016, which will be held Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria.

High school youth from around the Diocese of Peoria are invited to Youth Rally 2016, a day of inspirational talks, prayer, and games scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. But space is limited and time is running out to register. Three hundred teens are expected to take part in […]

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Review team recommends diocesan schools for accreditation as system

Students from St. Patrick School in Washington form a prayer circle before the recent IESA sectional cross country meet in Bloomington. Catholic schools of the Diocese of Peoria were noted for their "obvious expression of Catholic identity" by the external review team from AdvancEd. (Provided photo/Kara Kamienski Photography)

Several years of strategic planning by the Office of Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Peoria earned a glowing report card last week, when the entire school system was recommended for accreditation by an external review team from AdvancEd. “We were validated in the fact that we have excellent schools. They said when they were […]

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Pursuit of eternal life requires gratitude, complete trust in mercy of God

Tim Irwin

By Tim Irwin Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Oct. 23 Sirach 35:12-14,16-18; Psalm 34:2-3,17-18,19,23; 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18; Luke 18:9-14 The pursuit of tangible blessings like wealth, power and honor animate contemporary American culture, and the readings for the Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary time suggest that they were just as popular during biblical times. In the Gospel […]

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“Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” (Paramount)

Tom Cruise stars in a scene from the movie "Jack Reacher: Never Go Back." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS photo/Paramount)

By Catholic News Service Tom Cruise, in his second venture as the former Army officer-turned-freelance-detective invented by British novelist Lee Child, is as durable as a cast-iron stove.  A somewhat mysterious knight-errant, Reacher is a strong moralist according to his own lights, and descends into others’ predicaments like a deus ex machina. This go-round, he […]

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“Keeping Up With the Joneses” (Fox)

Zach Galifianakis and Isla Fisher star in a scene from the movie "Keeping Up With the Joneses." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.)

By Catholic News Service Flat action comedy in which a suburban couple (Zach Galifianakis and Isla Fisher) discover that their suspiciously perfect new neighbors (Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot) are, in fact, undercover spies. In a bid for fish-out-of-water laughs, Michael LeSieur’s script then drags the ordinary duo through high-speed chases, shootouts and other dangerous […]

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