
We’re missing the Men’s March

Students from the St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center at Illinois State University in Normal carry a statue of Jesus near the front of the 2018 men's march through downtown Peoria. (The Catholic Post file/Tom Dermody)

In the litany of events cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19, the Diocese of Peoria’s annual Men’s March may seem like a minor one. It’s not as personal as a high school graduation, nor on a global scale such as the 2020 Olympics. But as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker nears on May […]

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Paul Moore: Threads of connection

"When I hold my rosary . . . I sense a cord of connection to Our Lord and Our Lady," writes columnist Paul Thomas Moore.

In My Father’s House / By Paul Thomas Moore Every day I hold on to my health, my happiness, my marriage, my peace of mind, my finances, by the slenderest of threads. There’s no particular matter of concern for me in any of these areas right now, today. It’s just that life has taught me that […]

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Katie Faley: Marveling at glimpses of God’s majestic beauty in a spring garden

Tulips bloom outside St. Hyacinth Church in LaSalle. Columnist Katie Faley says "when the tulips, lilies, and daffodils pop up on their own around Easter . . . it's an easy reminder that, with Jesus, we die and rise with new life." (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Cause of Our Joy / By Katie Faley The sunny days we have had these last few weeks have me feeling ready to shake off the winter blues. As ambivalent as I can feel about winter when it lingers around a little too long, I am very thankful that I live in an area with […]

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Salesian priest from Colombia is visiting this spring, serving in Hispanic ministry

Father Fabian Alberto Cabarcas Rua

LASALLE — A Salesian priest from the South American nation of Colombia is spending this spring in the Diocese of Peoria assisting with Hispanic ministry and discerning God’s plans for his future. Father Fabian Alberto Cabarcas Rua arrived in the diocese March 9 and has already traveled widely, bringing the Gospel and his own joyful […]

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Hispanic ministry eases vaccine anxiety for 400 Spanish-speaking at LaSalle clinic

Registered nurse Candice Espinoza administers the Moderna vaccine against COVID-19 to Constantino Ramirez, one of 400 recipients during a daylong clinic for the region’s Spanish-speaking community coordinated by the LaSalle and diocesan Hispanic ministry. (Provided photo)

LASALLE — Father Fabian Alberto Cabarcas Rua was first in line April 6 to receive a vaccination for COVID-19. Nearly 400 more of this region’s Spanish-speaking population would follow during a daylong clinic at the Flamingo Banquet Center here. “We put him there so people could see him, so they would not be afraid,” said […]

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Service is real key to our salvation

Father R. Michael Schaab

By Father R. Michael Schaab Fourth Sunday of Easter/April 25 Acts 4:8-12; Psalm 118:1,8-9,21-23,26,28,29; 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18 Just as the eight days from Easter Sunday to the Second Sunday of Easter are celebrated as one joyful Easter Day, so also the Eight Sundays from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday are celebrated as one joyful […]

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“Godzilla vs. Kong” (Warner Bros.)

This is a scene from the movie "Godzilla vs. Kong." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures)

By Catholic News Service Visually spectacular but dramatically feeble creature feature from director Adam Wingard. In following up both 2019’s “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” and “Kong: Skull Island” from 2017, screenwriters Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein entangle the titular showdown in the varied strands of interaction among an ensemble cast with the result that […]

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Easter 2021 resurrects hope, joy: “It’s so wonderful to see all of you here!”

Marc Prosper Awuya lights his candle from the Paschal Candle held by Father Donald Levitt, pastor, at the beginning of the Easter Vigil at Christ the King in Moline. He would make a profession of faith, be confirmed and receive the Eucharist for the first time at the liturgy. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MOLINE — As he looked out at Christ the King Church here during last year’s Easter Vigil, Father Donald Levitt only saw the photos of parishioners that were taped to the pews. It was the beginning of the pandemic and public celebrations of the Mass were suspended. What a difference a year makes. “It is […]

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After experiencing Divine Mercy, we must become instruments of it

Father R. Michael Schaab

By Father R. Michael Schaab Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) / April 11 Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 118:2-4,13-15,22-24; 1 John 5:1-6; John 20:19-31 As one reads this Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm, “Let the house of Israel say, ‘His mercy endures forever.’” “Let the house of Aaron say, ‘His mercy endures forever.’” “Let those who fear the Lord […]

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