
Couples renew vows at Diocesan Marriage Mass, a divine ‘banquet of love’

Married couples will be invited to renew their wedding vows during the Feb. 12 Marriage Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. Here Jon and Channon Rider of St. Mary Parish in Kickapoo do so at the 2019 Marriage Mass. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Dozens of couples from throughout the Diocese of Peoria got an early and faith-filled start to Valentine’s Day celebrations by renewing their vows at the Diocese of Peoria’s annual Marriage Mass on Saturday afternoon at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, welcomed the couples by explaining that the Mass — the […]

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Married Valentines, consider Feb. 9 Marriage Mass at cathedral, Date Night

Couples renew their vows at a previous Diocesan Marriage Mass in this Catholic Post file photo.

Married couples looking for an evening out as Valentine’s Day approaches are invited to consider the Diocese of Peoria’s annual Marriage Mass on Saturday, Feb. 9, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria as well as an optional “Date Night” with dinner and entertainment to follow. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will be principal celebrant of […]

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‘Date Night’ speaker calls marriage a lifelong ‘sacramental three-step’ dance

Jim Healy makes a point during his Sept. 29 presentation "How to be Married and Stay Engaged." The talk was part of a "date night" hosted by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The dance of a Catholic marriage is a “sacramental three-step” modeled on the Paschal Mystery, a family life expert told couples on a date night Sept. 29 hosted by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. “It happens over and over,” said Jim Healy of the process of loving, letting go, and rising again in marriage. […]

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