
Catholic Charities and its partners thanked for ‘being Christ for others’

Leaders of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Peoria pose with Bishop Louis Tylka following a Mass for staff, volunteers, partner groups, and other supporters at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on May 18. From left are Suzie Meismer, ministry coordinator and senior case manager; Sister Michelle Fernandez, SCTJM, executive director; Bishop Tylka; Jan Blaney, coordinator of the Tolono Food Pantry; and Angelica Toliver, Champaign outreach ministry coordinator. The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody

The Catholic Charities “family” in the Diocese of Peoria gathered for a day of prayer, thanksgiving, and fellowship on May 18. “It’s so overwhelming to see all of you present today,” said Sister Michelle Fernandez, SCTJM, executive director, prior to a luncheon at the Spalding Pastoral Center recognizing staff, volunteers, and others who partner with […]

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Church presence in Uvalde, Texas, gives strength, love, archbishop says

Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller of San Antonio comforts people in Uvalde, Texas, outside the SSGT Willie de Leon Civic Center, where students had been transported from Robb Elementary School after a shooting on May 24. (CNS/Marco Bello, Reuters)

By Carol Zimmermann / Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — When news broke of the May 24 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller was in a meeting with about 150 archdiocesan priests. The meeting was rescheduled and several priests left right away to be with people in the Texas town about 100 […]

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‘Joy in our hearts’ as four seminarians are ordained transitional deacons

Bishop Louis Tylka stands with the four men he ordained to the transitional diaconate at St. Mary's Cathedral on May 21. They are (from left) Deacon Nathan Hopper, Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Daniel Dionesotes and Deacon Patrick Wille. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

The four seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria who became transitional deacons on May 21 were the first men ordained by Bishop Louis Tylka, and he passed along advice he was given at his own diaconate ordination in 1995 “when you weren’t even born.” “Serve like the Lord,” said Bishop Tylka. “Hand on what you […]

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Nine permanent deacons in diocese are marking 25th anniversary of ordination

Five of the permanent deacons who are celebrating their 25th anniversary of ordination this year were present at the Deacon Convocation on March 5. They are (group photo from left) Deacon Russ Swim, Deacon Joe LaHood, Deacon Ernie Whited, Deacon Bob Pomazal and Deacon Roger Hunter. Unavailable when the group photo was taken are (top to bottom) Deacon Brendan Carolan, Deacon Dennis DeVooght, Deacon Lawrence Honzel and Deacon Nicholas Simon. (Group photo by The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story is part of Jubilarians 2022, a 20-page section of The Catholic Post dated May 22, 2022, and honoring the priests, religious, and permanent deacons marking milestone years of ministry. — The Diocese of Peoria’s sixth class of permanent deacons gave 17 new ministers of the word, sacrament and charity to the […]

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Nearly 500 will graduate from Catholic high schools in the diocese this month

The 85 seniors of St. Bede Academy in Peru pose for a group photo before the school's 130th Commencement on Sunday, May 15. The six other Catholic high schools and academies in the Diocese of Peoria will host graduation Masses and exercises the following two weekends. (Provided photo/Katherine Koyak, St. Bede Academy)

Learning to love like Jesus is a lifelong pursuit, and members of the Class of 2022 should expect the unexpected and not be afraid to “jump into the unknown” when surprises interrupt their best-laid plans. That was just some of the advice given to 85 seniors by speakers at the 130th Commencement of St. Bede […]

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New ‘Fountain of Grace Grotto’ is created, blessed at Peoria Notre Dame

Father Corey Krengiel, chaplain at Peoria Notre Dame High School, sprinkles holy water in blessing the new Fountain of Grace Grotto, "a little home for Our Lady." The May 8 celebration included reconsecrating the school to Our Lady. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Peoria Notre Dame High School was once again set aside for God’s purposes as the school community celebrated the dedication and blessing of the new Fountain of Grace Grotto. The ceremony, which took place on May 8, included reconsecrating the school to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Father Corey Krengiel, chaplain, said that by consecrating […]

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Four seminarians will be ordained transitional deacons Saturday morning

The four seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria to be ordained transitional deacons on Saturday, May 21, are, from left, Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Nathan Hopper, Daniel Dionesotes, and Patrick Wille. (Composite photo/Office of Priestly Vocations)

Four seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria will take the next step toward the priesthood when they are ordained as transitional deacons on Saturday, May 21, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. by Bishop Louis Tylka. The public is invited, and the liturgy will be livestreamed on […]

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Catholic school leaders honored for making a difference, ‘legacy of faith’

Lisa Gray, principal of Sts. Peter and Paul School, Nauvoo, receives a retirement gift from Bishop Louis Tylka at the end-of-the-year celebration hosted by the Office of Catholic Schools on May 3. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Meeting challenge after challenge presented by COVID-19 for the last two years has left many principals and pastors of Catholic schools tired. At a Mass marking the end of the school year, however, Bishop Louis Tylka let them know their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. “You are a gift to us, to our schools, to our […]

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