
Distinguished Principal — “It’s been an awesome journey,” says Patsy Santen

Patsy Santen, principal at St. Vincent de Paul School in Peoria, enjoys being in the classroom when she can. Here she is working with fifth-grader Patrick Rodgers, who is reading about the life of Henry Ford. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

It isn’t unusual to see Patsy Santen leave the principal’s office at St. Vincent de Paul School in Peoria with a clipboard in her hand. With so many requests and things to document as part of a routine day, she doesn’t want to forget anything needed by her “family.” “I’ve been blessed to have — […]

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Distinguished Pastor: Service a hallmark for Fr. Paul Joseph Langevin, OFM Conv.

During a visit to Tuyen Witt’s second grade classroom, Father Paul Joseph Langevin, OFM Conv., talks over a math problem with Payton Blocker. He also talked to the students about their First Communion this spring. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Father Paul Joseph Langevin, OFM Conv., developed a love for Catholic education very early in life, as well as a desire to enter the priesthood. It would take God’s own timing to bring those two vocations together, however. Now the pastor of Holy Family Parish and School in Peoria, Father Paul Joseph works hard to […]

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Catholic Schools Week Masses, activities are being planned with a nod to safety

“Catholic Schools: Faith, Excellence, Service” is the theme for National Catholic Schools Week, which begins this Sunday, Jan. 30, and runs through next Saturday, Feb. 5. This the 48th year for the observance, which is sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association. The pandemic may be making things difficult, but the 43 Catholic schools and […]

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Marching for (our) change

Students from Peoria Notre Dame High School hold signs as they join with representatives of five other high schools in praying the rosary for an end to abortion and the triumph of the culture of life on Jan. 21 outside the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“What does it matter if we march? What does it do?” The questions were posed by Father Mike Schmitz, a priest of the Diocese of Duluth and host of the wildly popular “The Bible in a Year” podcast, on Jan. 21 at the end of his brief remarks to a throng gathered in Washington, D.C., […]

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Paul Moore: The harmony of heaven, when we all will be in perfect pitch

The late Jerry Klein, former Catholic Post columnist, at the piano. (Provided photo)

In My Father’s House / By Paul Thomas Moore My predecessor in this column space, my late father-in-law Jerry Klein, wrote not infrequently on these pages of his mind’s happy wanderings on the subject of heaven, “If God’s earth can be so beautiful, what must heaven be like?” There are many opinions of what heaven […]

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We cannot see distinctly until we see God directly in heavenly life

Shawn Reeves

Living the Word / By Shawn Reeves Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Jan. 30 Jeremiah 1:4-5,17-19; Psalm 71:1-2,3-4,5-6,15, 17; 1 Corinthians 12:31 — 13:13; Luke 4:21-30 Mirrors never show things as they are. They always display the inverse of how things truly appear. The ancient Corinthians were artisans of mirrors. But they were not the mirrors you […]

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“We Believe!” — new video shares 15 core belief statements of Catholic schools

Students at St. Mark School in Peoria get excited as they proclaim “We believe!” at the end of the video from the Office of Catholic Schools. The new video will premiere just before Catholic Schools Week begins. (Photo courtesy of Daryl Wilson Photography)

Knowing how to do something is important. Knowing why you’re doing it is even better. That was the thought behind “We Believe,” a new video (below) from the Office of Catholic Schools that will be released as Catholic Schools Week begins this Sunday. Dr. Sharon Weiss, superintendent of diocesan schools, said it has been “a […]

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Peoria Notre Dame teacher prepares for the gift of consecrated virginity

Christine Pinheiro teaches Latin and theology at Peoria Notre Dame High School and said some of her students may attend her consecration to the Order of Virgins on Feb. 5 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Christine Pinheiro smiles even before she answers a question about consecrated virginity. “I love my vocation and talking about my vocation,” she said. Pinheiro will be consecrated to the Order of Virgins during a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria next Saturday, Feb. 5. It will take place at 10:30 a.m. with Coadjutor Bishop […]

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