
The High School of Saint Thomas More’s Krista Hinkley is Distinguished Teacher

"I love Saint Thomas More. I love being a part of Catholic education," says Krista Hinkley (center), one of two educators recognized this year by the Office of Catholic Education as Distinguished Teachers. (Provided photo)

CHAMPAIGN — Krista Hinkley never wanted a job that would just pay the bills. She was looking for something she could love and feel passionate about, something that would never leave her feeling like she was counting down the minutes to the end of the day. Serving as an English teacher at The High School […]

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Anita Kobilsek of Holy Cross, Mendota, is diocese’s 2016-17 Distinguished Principal

Principal Anita Kobilsek reads to first-graders Kaylee MacDonald, Gabriel Bunch, and Corbin Doll of Holy Cross School in Mendota. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MENDOTA — While it is a given that students will achieve academic success at Holy Cross School, principal Anita Kobilsek wants so much more for them. “This is my underlying philosophy: that the kids know, love and serve Jesus, that they know Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist — body, blood, soul and divinity […]

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Putting children first: Fr. Miller is named diocese’s Distinguished School Pastor

Father William Miller, the Diocese of Peoria's Distinguished School Pastor this year, is shown with kindergartners during a recent visit to Costa Catholic Academy in Galesburg. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

GALESBURG — One of the first things Rosminian Father Joseph Costa did when he arrived in Galesburg in the 1870s was to start a Catholic school. While much has changed in education — and the world — over the years, the current canonical pastor of Costa Catholic Academy said it is important to focus on […]

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Celebrate our Catholic schools

As Catholic Schools Week begins this Sunday, students and teachers are ready to celebrate in a variety of ways. For the rest of us, we suggest a few homework assignments to join in the fun and grow in appreciation of the treasure we have in our midst. First, take a good look at the special […]

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All life is sacred, even Dylann Roof’s

Defending innocent human life, such as the pre-born, is one thing. Speaking up for the life of an unrepentant multi-murderer is quite another. Proclaiming God’s mercy is usually a wonderful Christian duty. Proclaiming it for Dylann Roof takes courage. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone of Charlotte had courage in reminding Catholics of church teaching after jurors […]

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Hundredfold Workshop helps parishes ‘prepare the soil’ for seeds of vocations

Rhonda Gruenewald visits with the Franciscan Apostolic Sisters, one of several religious communities present for the Hundredfold Workshop on Jan. 21 at Hettinger Hall of St. Jude Parish, Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Vocations awareness in the Diocese of Peoria got a boost last Saturday when 150 people gathered at St. Jude Church and its Hettinger Hall in Peoria for the Hundredfold Workshop sponsored by the Office of Priestly Formation. That doesn’t mean each parish will be able to deliver five seminarians to Father Tim Hepner, diocesan vocation […]

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Optimism, resolve blend at Life Rally in Peoria on eve of inauguration

Among those taking part in a prayerful walk in downtown Peoria against abortion on Jan. 19 were four members of the Franciscan Sisters of John the Baptist. From left, they are Sister Marion Hudacova, Mother Vaclava Ballon, Sister Lea Stefancova and Sister Salezia Rudyova. The walk preceded a Life Rally sponsored by Central Illinois Right to Life. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Nearing age 90 with the latter half of his life devoted to the pro-life movement,  Joe Scheidler struck an optimistic tone Jan. 19 as he challenged his Peoria audience to “stay firm in your convictions.” “Abortions are down,” he said near the conclusion of the annual Life Rally sponsored by Central Illinois Right to Life […]

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The attitude of true humility leads to justice

Father R. Michael Schaab

By Father R. Michael Schaab Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Jan. 29 Zephaniah 2:3;3:12-13; Psalm 146:6-7,8-9,9-10; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Matthew 5:1-12a Tim McGraw’s popular song “Humble and Kind” has these words in the refrain: “Hold the door, say please, say thank you, Don’t steal, don’t cheat and don’t lie. I know you got mountains to climb, but […]

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Catholic Charities series exploring poverty causes, solutions opens Jan. 27

The series -- on three successive Friday evenings beginning Jan. 27 -- utilizes six, half-hour videos produced by the PovertyCure initiative.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria is hosting a three-part series reflecting on the causes of poverty and encouraging solutions. The series — on three successive Friday evenings beginning Jan. 27 — utilizes six, half-hour videos produced by the PovertyCure initiative. The gatherings are open free of charge to all interested persons and will […]

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