New ‘Ignatius of Loyola’ film to be screened in Peoria on March 5, 12

Two screenings of the new feature film “Ignatius of Loyola” have been scheduled in Peoria with proceeds benefiting the Diocese of Peoria’s seminarian program.

The film will be shown on consecutive Sundays, March 5 and March 12, at 1:30 p.m. at Landmark Cinemas, 3225 N. Dries Lane. Tickets are $10 and must be purchased in advanced by contacting Marsha Kampfl, coordinator, at (309) 370-2122 or by email at

Often called the “Saint of Second Chances,” St. Ignatius of Loyola was a 16th century Spanish priest and theologian who founded the Jesuit order.  The two-hour film chronicles his struggle to turn from darkness to light — a struggle that nearly destroyed him, but also gave him the key to the Spiritual Exercises that continue to influence believers.

Produced by Jesuit Communications Philippines (JesCom), “Ignatius of Loyola” is in English and was shot on location over two months in Spain. It stars Andreas Munoz in the title role. A trailer and more information on the film may be found at

Kampfl, who has brought other faith-based movies to Peoria, expects the screenings to sell out quickly and encouraged early reservations.

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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