
Vehicle parades among ways separated parishioners are showing love for priests

Msgr. Thomas Mack, pastor, and Father Daniel McShane, parochial vicar, wave as more than 100 cars filled with parishioners pass by the rectory at Immaculate Conception in Monmouth on April 18. Similar vehicle parades elsewhere in the Diocese of Peoria have been one way that parishioners are expressing love and gratitude for the priests during this historic time of separation because of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Provided photo)

When the rectory doorbell rang at about 5 p.m. on a recent Sunday, Father Johndamaseni Zilimu thought it was a couple from the parish bringing him a meal. It turned out more than 400 parishioners were delivering a feast of love in a parade of vehicles. “They really made my day,” said Father Zilimu, pastor […]

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Remote learning for diocesan schools to end May 15; year-end activities pending

The faculty and staff at St. Michael the Archangel School in Streator, starting with principal Emily Blumenshine, show how much they miss the students. Also taking part is Father Ryan Mattingly, parochial vicar and chaplain at Marquette Academy in Ottawa, (next to last square). Remote learning in diocesan schools will end May 15. (Provided photo)

Remote learning for Catholic schools of the Diocese of Peoria will end on Friday, May 15. Teachers and school administrators will use the remaining two weeks of the month to assess what worked in terms of instruction as students and their families sheltered in place, and what adjustments need to be made to the schools’ […]

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Patience and prudence

If patience is a virtue, it is among the virtues being sorely tested as the shutdown of the nation’s economy and the closing of churches to fight the coronavirus pandemic approaches the two-month mark. The signs that patience is wearing thin was in evidence this week as protesters began to gather at state capitols demanding […]

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St. Peter’s Resurrection proclamation should inspire hope and joy, not hatred

Father R. Michael Schaab

By Father R. Michael Schaab Third Sunday of Easter/April 26 Acts 2:14,22-33; Psalm 16:1-2,4,7-8,9-10,11; 1 Peter 1:17-21; Luke 24:13-35 There is a pandemic that the world currently struggles against, and I’m not referring to COVID-19. It is a pandemic of rising discrimination and bigotry against Jews. Its name is “antisemitism.” The first reading today is […]

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Class of 2020 senior disappointed, but is maintaining perspective and positivity

Josie Carmien, a senior at The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign, picked up her cap and gown by driving through the back parking lot at the school on April 20, but doesn't know if or when she'll get to wear it for a graduation walk. She and her classmates will have "a very unique story to tell for the rest of our lives," Josie told The Catholic Post. (Provided photo)

PHILO — If everything had gone according to plan, Josie Carmien would be putting on a red ball gown Saturday night and joining her friends at The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign for her senior prom. It was a color she saved for this particular dance. The coronavirus had other plans, however. […]

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Priests of diocese share Easter joy with absent faithful via livestreamed Masses

Flowers surround the altar as Father Bowan Schmitt, pastor of St. Paul Parish in Danville, celebrates a recently livestreamed Mass.

It is only natural that some sadness and fear would be mixed with Easter joy this year, as COVID-19 restrictions kept people from gathering inside their churches and celebrating with family, but joy must have the greater claim according to homilies given by priests around the Diocese of Peoria this year. After all, Jesus’ first […]

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East Peoria Franciscans are beginning a new chapter in their vocations ministry

The new vocations team of Sister Teresa Paul Selamat, OSF, and Sister Rose Therese Mann, OSF, stand at the entrance to the East Peoria motherhouse of The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis and the new sign for Mount Alverno Novitiate. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

EAST PEORIA — In religious formation, there is a delicate balance between giving people enough space to pray and discern what God is calling them to and offering enough community to provide example and support. To provide that balance, The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis have moved their formation program from Peoria […]

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In message to priests, Bishop Jenky hopes for renewed diocese post-pandemic

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, addresses priests of the Diocese of Peoria in this image taken from his April 7 message posted on YouTube.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is the transcription of a video message from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, to the priests of the Diocese of Peoria released April 7. Normally the priests renew their priestly promises when they gather with the bishop during Holy Week for the annual Chrism Mass. That liturgy was postponed because of COVID-19 […]

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Holy Hours for Vocations move online to keep needed and fruitful prayers coming

Father Timothy Hepner, vocation director of recruitment for the Diocese of Peoria, livestreams a Holy Hour for Vocations on the Facebook page of the Office of Priestly Vocations on April 14. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

At some point the COVID-19 pandemic will end, but the need for holy priests and consecrated women and men won’t. That’s why prayers for vocations must continue, according to Father Timothy Hepner, vocation director of recruitment for the Diocese of Peoria. Until people are able to gather in churches again, the Office of Priestly Formation […]

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“We Summon the Darkness” (Saban/Amazon Prime)

Alexandra Daddario, Logan Miller, Maddie Hasson and Amy Forsyth star in a scene from the movie "We Summon the Darkness." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/courtesy LB Entertainment)

By Catholic News Service This low-budget Satan worship-themed slasher film was apparently intended partly as an homage to 1980s horror movies. Devoid of coherent dialogue or action and punctuated by desultory stabbings and fleeting theological proclamations, it is instead simply a mess. As three rebellious girls in 1988 Indiana (Alexandra Daddario, Maddie Hasson and Amy […]

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