
Catholic schools of diocese may return to in-person instruction as early as Jan. 5

Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria used a variety of ways to keep students engaged after they returned to remote learning only on Nov. 18. At Visitation Catholic School in Kewanee, for example, principal Wayne Brau and the teachers took turns reading books to the students, with videos posted to the school's Facebook page. Here, Mr. Brau shares his favorite book, "The Story of Ferdinand." Teachers may be reading stories directly to the students again as permission has been given to start in-person instruction on Jan. 5.

Catholic schools of the Diocese of Peoria have been given permission to return to in-person instruction as soon as Jan. 5, if their pastors, principals and chaplains deem it safe and advisable to do so. The announcement was made by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka in a letter dated Dec. […]

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Pandemic restrictions, but no limit on love in 2020 for Our Lady of Guadalupe

Women and children dressed in festive attire and carrying the flags of Spanish-speaking nations process into St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on Dec. 12 at the start of an evening Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

The daylong celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Dec. 12 was capped by an evening Mass with two bishops present and confident prayers that Mary our Mother will not “let go of our hand in the midst of so many trials.” The colorful costumes used in cultural […]

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Catholic Charities’ Christmas Project provides gift cards to 360 households

Each guest in Catholic Charities' Christmas Program received a bag of gift cards designed for their household and made possible with support from 33 parishes in the Diocese of Peoria. Distributing at the West Peoria campus Dec. 14 were Sid Ruckriegel, Stefanie Tarr, and Julie Enzenberger. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

There was a circle of charity flowing Dec. 14 at the Heading Avenue campus of Catholic Charities in West Peoria. The campus was just one distribution point for Catholic Charities’ annual Christmas Project, which this year assisted about 360 families throughout the diocese and more than 1,125 individuals. Pandemic safety precautions made this year’s pick-up […]

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Groveland man recalls getting his Notre Dame diploma from a future pope, saint

Timothy Gorman of Groveland, a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Morton, received his 1960 University of Notre Dame diploma in liberal arts from the future St. Pope Paul VI.

GROVELAND — Sometimes you don’t know you’re making history until you look back. In Timothy Gorman’s case it was way back to June 5, 1960, the day he received his diploma in liberal arts from a future pope and saint at the University of Notre Dame. “Our great president, Father Theodore Hesburgh, had invited sitting […]

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Bishops read Christmas stories, offer video blessings to school communities

As “elves” Philip Lee and Ben Wilson look on, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, reads “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” which is better known as “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” by Clement Clarke Moore. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

It wasn’t possible for Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka to visit all of the 42 schools of the Diocese of Peoria to read a Christmas book or two so they did the next best thing — they made videos that were shared with the school communities on Dec. 21. Bishop […]

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Statement of the Diocese of Peoria regarding Covid-19 Vaccines

Nurse Savanah Crull receives the Pfizer COVID -19 vaccine from Clinical Practice Coordinator Hannah Harrison at OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington on Dec. 18. (OSF HealthCare photo)

The Diocese of Peoria released the following statement on Dec. 22, 2020: As you have most likely been made aware, the United States Bishops have approved the use of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines for Catholics (see The Catholic Post, Sunday, December 20, 2020, page 5) as an “act of charity” in light of […]

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Pastoral care teams stand on hospital ‘holy ground,’ offer light in dark times

Deacon Joe Knapp, pastoral care manager at OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, blesses a new OSF facility in this Catholic Post file photo. While there are heartbreaking things within hospital walls -- especially in this time of pandemic -- "our fellow mission partners spread a lot of light because they live the mission,” says Deacon Knapp.

COVID-19 is a constant presence. Daily newscasts begin with reports of how many people have fallen ill or died since the last report and hospitals are limiting visits in an attempt to keep everyone as safe as possible. “It’s a very intense time,” acknowledges Deacon Joe Knapp, pastoral care manager at OSF HealthCare Saint Francis […]

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‘O Come, Divine Healer’ — Bishop Tylka’s Holy Hour reflection in pandemic time

Bishop Tylka lifts the monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament during a Holy Hour of diocesan prayer in a time of pandemic last December at St. Mary's Cathedral. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is the full text of Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka’s reflection given during “O Come, Divine Healer,” a Holy Hour of Diocesan Prayer in this Pandemic Time at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Dec. 17.  The Holy Hour, which was attended by about 100 people at the cathedral — including Bishop Daniel […]

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Parishes across the diocese prepare to celebrate Christmas in pandemic year

Father Andru O’Brien, parochial vicar for St. Jude Parish in Peoria, celebrates an evening Mass in the church parking lot last month. St. Jude is among the parishes in the Diocese of Peoria planning parking lot Masses or Communion services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as one option to celebrate Jesus’ birth as a parish community while also keeping people safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Courtesy photo/Daryl Wilson)

Christmas has always been a time of joy and reverence as we welcome the Christ Child into our lives again. If parishes around the Diocese of Peoria have their way, that will continue to be the case — with more than a little creativity thrown in for good measure. “Even though there’s craziness going on […]

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Pledges to Annual Stewardship Appeal off to a good start in this challenging year

The theme of the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal is "Know, Love, Serve." It was conducted primarily through direct mail this year because of the pandemic.

In this most challenging year, Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria are responding generously to a modified Annual Diocesan Appeal that opened in September — six months later than usual and in the middle of a pandemic. With a goal set at $6 million, pledges have already crossed $5.2 million and more than $4.3 million […]

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