
Assignments include Fr. Burns to senior status, Fr. Laible to military archdiocese

EDITOR’S NOTE: Twenty-five priests are receiving new assignments in a series of appointments announced this month by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. Following is the full list, while a background story with additional details is found here. Father John Burns, from pastor, St. John the Apostle Parish, Woodhull; St. John the Evangelist Parish, Galva; and […]

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End of school year celebrated with Mass, gratitude, two years of diocesan awards

Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka leads the applause for Dr. Noreen Dillon of St. Mark School in Peoria and Jane Barrett of Seton Catholic School in Moline after they were honored as Distinguished Principals of the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, respectively, at St. Mary’s Cathedral on May 5. Joining in are their pastors, Msgr. Brian Brownsey, center, and Father Mark DeSutter, far right. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

After two challenging years of providing instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, the principals, pastors and school chaplains of Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria gathered May 5 to celebrate what they had been able to do. During a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, they heard words of thanks from Coadjutor Bishop Louis […]

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This Pentecost feels like a starting line

With its themes of breathing new life into the world and renewal, this Pentecost Sunday — May 23 — may have special significance in 2021 for Catholics as we appear to be emerging from the pandemic in the United States. Many who have been hesitant to attend Mass are doing so again, thanks to vaccinations […]

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Katie Faley: Walking in the footsteps of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Mother’s Day

Elizabeth Ann Seton was a wife and mother who was widowed at the age of 29 in 1803. Despite great hardships, she went on to do amazing work, and eventually became the first American-born saint in 1975. (Photo from

Cause of Our Joy / Katie Faley Have you ever had a saint follow you around? As if popping up in the most unexpected places throughout your life to say, “I’m praying for you!” That has been St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in my life. Four years ago, after being accepted into graduate school, I was […]

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Bishop Tylka’s June parish prayer calendar

Bishop Tylka will pray for three parishes under the patronage on St. Anthony in June. First will be St. Anthony Parish in Atkinson (pictured) on the saint's June 12 feast, followed by St. Anthony Parish, Matherville, and St. Anthony Parish, Hoopeston, the following two days.

Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka has been praying for each parish in the Diocese of Peoria by name, thanks to a calendar he developed with the assistance of Sister Linda Burkitt of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception (Heading Avenue Franciscans). The prayer calendar also includes days special to the religious communities active […]

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Why do we need the Holy Spirit?

By Tim Irwin Solemnity of Pentecost/May 23 Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 or Galatians 5:16-25; Psalm 104:1,24,29-30,31,34; Veni Sancte Spiritus; John 20:19-23 or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. Jesus promises the Paraclete in the Gospel according to John. St. Luke does more than any of […]

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Bishop Tylka tells Class of 2021 ‘you have been chosen’ as commencements begin

Members of The High School of Saint Thomas More's Class of 2021 joyfully toss their graduation caps into the air moments after the conclusion of commencement ceremonies at the school on May 15. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

CHAMPAIGN — The mortarboards of the Class of 2021 may have been tossed to record heights at The High School of Saint Thomas More here May 15, fueled by the joy the seniors felt to be able to graduate as a class with family members present. That joy was shared by faculty, staff, and guests […]

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Archbishop Sheen’s 1952 Emmy Award gifted following birthday Mass at tomb

Joan Sheen Cunningham presents the Emmy Award won by her uncle, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, in 1952 to Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, left, and then-Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka. The presentation followed a Mass at Archbishop Sheen's tomb on May 8, 2021. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

It is customary to give gifts to those celebrating birthdays, but in honor of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen’s 126th birthday on May 8, his family presented a gift to the Sheen Foundation. It was the Emmy Award for “Most Outstanding Personality” that was presented to the media pioneer and host of “Life is Worth […]

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Drive-up baby shower in Rock Island Saturday benefits Women’s Choice Center

The Women's Choice Center is a pro-life outreach located in Bettendorf, Iowa. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

ROCK ISLAND — The Christ Child Society of the Quad Cities will host a “Red Wagon Drive-Up Baby Shower” on Saturday, May 15. All donations will benefit the Women’s Choice Center in Bettendorf, Iowa. Items may be dropped off from 10 a.m. to noon at St. Pius X Church, 2502 29th Ave., in Rock Island, […]

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