Parishes hosting film to help parents start conversations about tech impact

“Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age,” a documentary aimed at helping parents get the conversation started with their children about the impact of technology on their day-to-day lives, is being made available for viewing at Catholic schools and parishes in central Illinois.

“Some of it is very sobering,” cautioned Michelle Marcinak, a parent at St. Jude School in Peoria, where “Screenagers” was shown Wednesday night.

The next two viewings are planned for Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the banquet hall of St. Philomena Parish, 1000 W. Albany, and Friday, Dec. 8, at 7 p.m. in the gym at Holy Family School, 2329 W. Reservoir Blvd., both in Peoria. There is no charge to attend either presentation, but reservations are requested.

To reserve a spot at St. Philomena, call the school office at (309) 685-1208. To reserve a place at the Holy Family viewing, visit

The documentary will also be presented at St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria, on Jan. 25, 2018; St. Mark, Peoria, on Feb. 21; and St. Patrick, Washington, Sept. 26. Details will be released as they become available.

While the dates have not been determined yet, additional screenings are planned at St. Edward, Chillicothe; Blessed Sacrament, Morton; and St. Thomas the Apostle, Peoria Heights.

Marcinak heard about “Screenagers” from friends and took the idea of showing it at St. Jude to Father Patrick Henehan, pastor, and Sister Maria Christi Nelson, OP, principal. When Sister Maria Christi took it to a meeting of principals, interest began to grow and Marcinak learned that the licensing fee for each showing would be reduced as more schools or parishes joined the group.

“I was thrilled,” she told The Catholic Post. “It’s such a hot topic. It affects all families.”

For more information about the documentary, visit

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