Homeless no more: Light of faith, couple’s witness restore two young mothers’ hope

Dr. Steve Smart holds candles as Msgr. Stanley Deptula presides during a triple baptism Dec. 4 at St. Bernard Church in Peoria. Dr. Smart and his wife, Kate (center, holding Marvin) were godparents for the children of Tiffany (right, holding Jayke) and Maricela (next to Tiffany, holding Anthony), young women they took into their home during times of need. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
Jayke, Marvin and Anthony began their journey to become saints on Dec. 4, the baptism day for the three well-behaved little ones at St. Bernard Church, Peoria. And after many dangerous detours, their mothers are back on the same path — restored to grace by the sacraments and through honoring Mary by observing the house […]
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