
What is the most memorable Christmas gift you have given or received?

What is the most memorable gift you've received or given and why was it so memorable?

Work has started on the annual “Christmas Greetings” edition of The Catholic Post and it wouldn’t be the same without your stories of Christmases past and the family traditions that make the season “the most wonderful time of the year.” This year we have a special request. We’d like to hear about the most memorable […]

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Gift will establish pediatric wellness center at OSF St. Mary in Galesburg

Mark and Jeannette Kleine of Galesburg visit with Father Deus-Dedit Byabato , chaplain of OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg, at a reception Aug. 15 following the announcement of their $1.5 million gift to establish a pediatric wellness center at the medical center. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

GALESBURG — Within the word “gift” is the shorter word “if,” and it was after considering the question “What if?” that Mark and Jeannette Kleine decided to make a $1.5 million investment in the future of children’s health in the Galesburg region. The Kleines’ legacy gift to the OSF HealthCare Foundation, announced during a reception […]

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