
First communicants and new Catholics celebrated again at diocesan Mass

In prayer after receiving Communion at last Sunday's Mass for First Communicants and New Catholics from throughout the Diocese of Peoria at St. Mary's Cathedral are, from left, Adalynne Lawerence, Olyvia Clark, and Lilian Goz. The three friends are all members of St. Paul Parish in Macomb. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

First commmunicants young and older were urged to cherish the memory of that special day and continue to grow in wonder and reverence for the sacrament during a diocesan Mass for First Communicants and New Catholics on June 2 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. “Realize what a wonderful thing it is,” Bishop Daniel R. […]

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‘A big deal’: Diocese hosts a second celebration for First Communicants

Ivany Cisneros of St. Mary Cathedral Parish in Peoria poses for a photo taken by her mother, Maria, outside the cathedral following the June 10 Diocesan Mass for First Communicants. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

While there is only one “first,” the Diocese of Peoria considers a child’s first holy Communion important enough for a second celebration — this time with the diocesan family. And even the Diocesan Mass for First Communicants, celebrated last Saturday by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and during which the children once again donned their […]

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First Communicants told sacrament brings Jesus even nearer than a hug

Dressed in her First Communion attire, 7-year-old Alemie Claire I. Cuizon joined cathedral cantor Rosa Beyer in leading the responsorial psalm during the Mass with First Communicants at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on June 11. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, the Lord is as near to us as if we were with him in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago and he gave us a hug. That’s one message Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, shared with First Communicants and their families from around the Diocese of Peoria who joined him […]

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WIU Newman Center students fill CCD teaching need at St. Bernard, Bushnell

Sophie Peterson, Joe Hoerdeman and Maggie Wallace are students from the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Newman Center at Western Illinois University who are completing a year of teaching CCD at St. Bernard Parish in Bushnell. (Provided photo)

BUSHNELL — When St. Bernard Parish here switched from a home-based faith formation program to a classroom setting for religious education a year ago, Father Dominic Vitaliano turned to college students at Western Illinois University in Macomb to help fill a need for teachers. It turned out to be a winning idea, not only for […]

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