
Bishop Jenky: Obama directives could close Catholic institutions

Photo Caption: Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, calls upon Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria to “vigorously oppose” President Obama’s directives affecting Catholic health care plans. Calling it a “bigoted and blatant attack on the First Amendment rights of every Catholic believer,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, is urging vigorous opposition to new Obama administration […]

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Night of encouragement four decades after ‘Roe’ ruling

Photo Caption: Participants in the 2013 Walk for Life make their way through downtown Peoria on Thursday evening, Jan. 17, prior to the Sanctity for Human Life Rally. By: By Tom Dermody After 40 years of praying, marching, and working against legal abortion and promoting respect for life from conception, those in the pro-life cause […]

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Bishop warns on secularism, chides some Catholic politicians

Photo Caption: In his newly issued Festival Letter on the theme of “Secularism,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, calls Catholics to defend “the very concept of faith in the face of aggressive secularism.” By: By Tom Dermody Steps toward “radical secularization” taking place in Illinois pose growing threats to the religious freedom of Catholics, Bishop […]

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Bishop Jenky’s Christmas message to the Diocese of Peoria

Photo Caption: “In this one act of incomparable love and mercy, the whole relationship between God and man was changed forever,” writes Bishop Jenky. Christmas, 2011 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: During this Christmas season in homes and churches around the world, followers of Christ will look upon a Nativity scene with images […]

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Evidence of alleged miracle with Sheen link heads to Rome

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky holds a sealed box containing medical records and witness testimony concerning an alleged miraculous healing of an Illinois boy through the intercession of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. By: By Tom Dermody Boxes wrapped in ribbon and a happy little boy are Christmas images, but the combination had another joyful meaning Dec. 11 […]

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Blue Ribbon day, and beyond, at Epiphany School, Normal

Photo Caption: Mike Lootens, right, principal of Epiphany Catholic School in Normal, accepts a plaque designating Epiphany as a 2011 National Blue Ribbon School from Tim Tuten of the U.S. Department of Education. By: By Tom Dermody NORMAL — Being named to the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent of schools in the […]

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Parishioners prepare for new translations of Mass texts

Photo Caption: A page from the new English translation of the Roman Missal shows a change in the people’s response when the priest says, “the Lord be with you.” The congregation responds, “And with your spirit.” By: By Jennifer Willems New years often bring a desire to change and a renewed sense of hope for […]

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Speaker offers parents 10 guides to raising chaste teens

Photo Caption: After a talk at The High School of Saint Thomas More on Oct. 21, Jason Evert (center) poses with Father Robert Lampitt and students Terence Schmutz, Alex Sabol, Claire Taylor, and Sarah Johnson. By: By Tom Dermody Don’t give teenagers “the talk” regarding sexuality, Jason Evert advised about 100 parents Thursday night. “Give […]

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Catholic Charities withdrawing from state-funded contracts

Photo Caption: “Public policy and state laws have increasingly clashed with church teachings in such a way that we no longer can maintain this partnership as a viable option,” said Bishop Jenky. By: By Tom Dermody Citing increasing clashes between Illinois law and church teaching, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, of Peoria announced Oct. 6 […]

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