
‘Pope Francis begins papacy; ‘open up a horizon of hope’

Photo Caption: Flags, including those of his homeland of Argentina, are held up by pilgrims as Pope Francis make his way through the crowd in St. Peter’s Square before celebrating his inaugural Mass at the Vatican By: By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis formally began his ministry as bishop […]

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Faith is theme of 2013 Festival Letter by Bishop Jenky

Photo Caption: “The message of the Gospel is so consoling and compelling that believers should not be able to contain their enthusiasm for sharing it with others,” writes Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in “Faith.” By: By Tom Dermody Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, opened 2013 by calling Catholics to “deepen the intensity of our […]

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Christmas Peace: A message from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky poses with seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria at Nazareth House in Henry. This photo was the cover of the bishop’s 2012 Christmas card. “Glory to God in the highest and PEACE to HIS people on earth!” My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: On every great feast day and on […]

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Seminarian trading cards offer youth a new set of heroes

Photo Caption: Six of the Diocese of Peoria’s 34 seminarians are featured on the new cards, which along with a new website and poster series help create a “culture of vocations.” By: By Tom Dermody They don’t come wrapped with a brittle stick of bubble gum like their baseball counterparts, but the Diocese of Peoria’s […]

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Joy, gratitude as 56 receive papal, diocesan honors at Mass

Photo Caption: Rebecca and Darwin Builta of Sacred Heart Parish in Farmer City accept a St. Isidore Rural Family Life Award from Bishop Jenky at the Mass for the Conferral of Ecclesiastical Honors. By: By Tom Dermody As Thanksgiving week opened, the Diocese of Peoria and even Pope Benedict XVI expressed profound gratitude to 56 […]

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High school student leaders ‘stand as light for Christ’

Photo Caption: Student and faculty representatives from Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Peoria kneel in prayer during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Jenky at the Catholic High School Leadership Conference. By: By Jennifer Willems When they came to the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria student leaders from Catholic high schools around the Diocese […]

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