By: Tom Dermody - October 7, 2020 -
The last two weeks have been a very busy news cycle in the Catholic press. Pope Francis addressed the United Nations and released both an encyclical and an apostolic letter. A high ranking cardinal resigned. A Catholic was nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court. The President of the United States and many in his inner […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 30, 2020 -
Featured Article
Archbishop John J. Myers leaves St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria for the last time Sept. 30 as his casket is carried to the hearse that will take him to the Bishops' Mausoleum at St. Mary's Cemetery in West Peoria. Archbishop Myers, the Archbishop Emeritus of Newark and a former Bishop of Peoria, died Sept. 24 at the age of 79. Serving as pallbearers were six of his former administrative assistants in Peoria and Newark. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
Archbishop John J. Myers was recalled as a man of faith, prayer, a scholar, a teacher, and as “a really good bishop” during a Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Wednesday, Sept. 30. The Archbishop Emeritus of Newark and former Bishop of Peoria was interred in the Bishop’s Mausoleum at St. […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 28, 2020 -
Featured Article
Brian and Michelle Reynolds of St. Bernard Parish in Peoria were among those greeting Bishop Louis Tylka following the Peoria Vicariate Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Vincent de Paul Church on Sept. 26. Brian is in formation for the permanent diaconate in the Diocese of Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
If “actions speak louder than words,” as Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka repeatedly reminded representatives of parishes from the Peoria and Pekin vicariates at separate Masses the weekend of Sept. 26-27, then this much is clear: Bishop Lou loves his new diocese. The Masses on Saturday afternoon at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Peoria and […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 25, 2020 -
Even those of us who promote the sanctity of each human life in all its stages are not immune to becoming numb when large numbers are quoted. Yes, we mourn the estimated 60 million victims of abortion in the United States since the 1973 Supreme Court decisions, but who can really fathom such a number? […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 22, 2020 -
Featured Article
Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka distributes Communion during the Champaign Vicariate Mass Sept. 19 at St. Matthew Church in Champaign. Assisting is server Veronica Schuchart from St. Matthew Parish. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
After a two-week pause, Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka resumed his “Welcome Tour” across the Diocese of Peoria with visits Sept. 19-20 to the Champaign and Danville Vicariates. On Saturday, representatives of 16 parishes in the Champaign Vicariate joined Bishop Tylka for a 5:15 p.m. Mass at St. Matthew Church in Champaign. The following morning he […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 15, 2020 -
News Article
Mary Anne and Deacon Joe Dockery-Jackson pray in the perpetual adoration chapel of St. Pius X Church in Rock Island in this screen grab from the promotional video for the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal.
“We’ve each been given gifts that we give back to God. And just like the ordinary bread and wine become the very Body and Blood of Christ, those meager gifts that we bring forward . . . God will take and use them in tremendous ways.” So says Deacon Joe Dockery-Jackson of St. Pius X […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 15, 2020 -
It was six months ago that everything seemed to change. Few of us will forget the week of March 8-14, 2020. I spent that Sunday in St. Louis, cheering on my alma mater, Bradley University, to the Missouri Valley Conference basketball tournament championship. It would be one of the last live sporting events for months […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 15, 2020 -
Featured Article
The theme of the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal is "Know, Love, Serve." It was conducted primarily through direct mail this year because of the pandemic.
Nearly six months later than originally scheduled and with an acknowledgment that “this is an extraordinary time” because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal will officially begin the weekend of Sept. 19-20. The theme — “Know, Love, Serve” — remains the same, but this summer Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, lowered the […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 14, 2020 -
Featured Article
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky applauds as couples celebrating their golden anniversaries in 2020 lower their masks to kiss after renewing their marriage vows at a Sept. 13 Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. In the foreground are John and Mary Beth Duffy of St. Patrick Parish in Dwight, while at left are Tim and Judy Schrader of St. Ambrose Parish in Milan. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
There was no masking the love that was present in St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria the weekend of Sept. 12-13. Couples observing 25 or 50 years of marriage in 2020 may be having subdued anniversary celebrations because of the pandemic, but the gratitude expressed for their witness to love and faith during separate Masses for […]
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By: Tom Dermody - September 9, 2020 -
News Article
Father Jeremy Freehill, administrator of St. Ann Parish in Peoria, leads a rosary walk through the church neighborhood on the city's south side on Sept. 4. Carrying the cross is Tom Wiegand while holding the Mary statue is Terry Davis. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
How long does it take to pray the rosary? For those who take part in rosary walks every Friday morning in the blocks surrounding St. Ann Church on Peoria’s south side, the answer depends on how many neighbors they encounter as they walk and pray. “We want them to know St. Ann is here whatever […]
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