
St. Louis Parish in Princeton fills, opens the “Magi Baby Chest” for families in need

Msgr. James Kruse, pastor of St. Louis Parish in Princeton, is pictured with Jessica Murphy, director of the parish’s new Magi Baby Chest, and just some of the baby and toddler supplies already donated or purchased for the outreach located in the St. Louis Catechetical Center. It will open for the first time on the morning of Oct. 1, the start of Respect Life Month, and continue on the first Saturday of every month. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

PRINCETON — Christmas and Epiphany are months away, but members of St. Louis Parish are imitating the generosity of the three kings by supporting a new, parish-based baby/toddler supply center called the Magi Baby Chest. The pro-life social outreach, located in a remodeled room of the St. Louis Catechetical Center, will open to families in […]

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Respect Life leaders say post-Roe is no time to rest and ‘our work is cut out for us’

Now that Roe v Wade has been overturned and the legal battle over abortion has been returned to the states, emotion seems to be ruling the conversation, according to Father William Miller, episcopal vicar for respect life for the Diocese of Peoria. The problem is that this obscures the truth, he said. “The enemies for […]

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Respect Life Month events in diocese: cathedral Mass, Life Chains, festival

Life Chain participants in Galesburg hold signs as they pray in this Catholic Post file photo. Life Chains are among the events planned in the diocese during October, Respect Life Month. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

People of faith will not only have opportunities to stand up for life as Respect Life Month begins on Sunday, Oct. 2, but they are invited to join Bishop Louis Tylka for Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. He will also be the homilist at the 10:30 a.m. Respect Life Mass. Life Chains are […]

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Funeral Mass to be offered in Streator Friday for Fr. Jerome Feeley Smith, 63

Father Jerome Feeley Smith

STREATOR — A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Michael the Archangel Church here at 11 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 30, for Father Jerome Feeley Smith, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria and later became a commissioned officer in the Chaplain Corps of the U.S. Navy. Father Smith […]

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Fr. Ted Hochstatter, 73, dies; funeral in Mendota Thursday for servant of poor

Father Theodore Hochstatter

MENDOTA – A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Holy Cross Church here for Father Theodore (Ted) Hochstatter, 73, who was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria and since 1993 served the poor with the Missionaries of Charity, mostly in Africa. Father Hochsatter died […]

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Golden, silver anniversary couples from across diocese renew vows at cathedral

Roger and Kathie Herman of Holy Trinity Parish in Bloomington, observing their 50th wedding anniversary in 2022, renew their marriage vows at the Diocese of Peoria's 25th and 50th Anniversary Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria on Sept. 25. Nearly 100 anniversary couples from across the diocese, as well as their families and friends, attended. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

“Marriage is not a 100-yard dash, it’s a marathon,” Bishop Louis Tylka told nearly 100 couples from around the diocese who are already well into the “race,” having observed — or about to observe — their 50th or 25th wedding anniversaries in 2022. “Today we celebrate all the couples who are here, who have had […]

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Home from Rome: Bishop Tylka grateful for 2-week experience of global church

Bishop Louis Tylka greets Pope Francis on Sept. 8, the final day of a weeklong course of formation in Rome for more than 150 new bishops from around the world. Bishop Tylka presented Pope Francis with a rosary featuring an image of Venerable Fulton Sheen, whose sainthood cause the Diocese of Peoria is promoting. (Photo credit: L’Osservatore Romano)

As students around the diocese returned to school, so did Bishop Louis Tylka. And a weeklong “Baby Bishops’ School” experience in Rome left him humbled and grateful for an education on the global breadth and unity of the church. “We often think of the church as our parish and the pope,” said Bishop Tylka, back […]

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Matt Faley is named Diocese of Peoria’s new — and first — chief of mission

As the Diocese of Peoria's chief of mission, Matt Faley (pictured) will work with Bishop Louis Tylka "to make sure the mission of Jesus is integrated in all that we do in the Curia (diocesan offices) and that it is communicated to our pastoral leaders and laity across the diocese." (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Matt Faley started his dream job on Sept. 12. He has been named chief of mission for the Diocese of Peoria. “If I could create a job description for me and for the gifts that God’s asking me to use, this would be it,” Faley said as he was getting settled in to his office […]

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Sanctuary, spiritual renewal celebrated at St. Joseph Church in Brimfield

Incense rises from the newly dedicated altar of sacrifice at St. Joseph Church in Brimfield during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Louis Tylka on Sept. 17. The new marble altar is part of a $120,000 sanctuary renovation project. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

BRIMFIELD — A renewal of the sanctuary at St. Joseph Church here is already leading to a deeper spiritual renewal at the parish. The completion of external changes was celebrated Saturday evening during a Solemn Mass for the Dedication of an Altar with Bishop Louis Tylka presiding. “Every time we gather around the altar the […]

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