
Dominican Sisters are coming to St. Jude, Peoria Notre Dame

Photo Caption: Gianna Vitale, a fourth grader at St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria, meets Mother Assumpta Long, OP, prioress general of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. By: By Jennifer Willems Another dream has come true for St. Jude’s School and Peoria Notre Dame High School. Father Patrick Henehan, pastor of […]

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Decry Illinois Senate passage of redefinition of marriage bill

Photo Caption: Catholics from the Diocese of Peoria are encouraged to join concerned citizens from throughout Illinois at the State Capitol in Springfield on Feb. 20 for a “Defend Marriage” lobby day. The organization representing the state’s Catholic bishops today decried Senate passage of redefinition of marriage legislation, saying lawmakers are blatantly ignoring the institution’s […]

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Diocese’s March for Life pilgrims share ‘inspiring’ experience

Unforgettable. Inspiring. Amazing. Those are just some of the words representatives of the hundreds of pilgrims from the Diocese of Peoria used to describe the experience of being in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 25 for the national March for Life and accompanying prayerful events. “Looking behind me during the march and seeing thousands of pro-life […]

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Cursillo weekends for men, women are scheduled in Moline

MOLINE — The Northwest Area Cursillo community has scheduled a Men’s Cursillo Weekend (No. 1028) for Feb. 21-24 at the Believers Together Center at Christ the King Church, 3205 60th St. A Women’s Cursillo Weekend (No. 2031) will be held March 14-17. Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning “short course” and is designed to bring […]

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Support Catholic Post’s 2013 Delivering Unity Campaign

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has encouraged readership and support of The Catholic Post and invites generous donations to the diocesan newspaper’s 2013 “Delivering Unity Campaign.” In addition to being a subscription to the print publication, a gift to the campaign is “practical evangelization” especially in this Year of Faith, said Bishop Jenky. Contributions may […]

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Proposed HHS rules fall short of meeting bishops’ concerns

Photo Caption: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, faulted the proposed rules for maintaining an “inaccurate distinction among religious ministries.” By: By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The new proposed rules issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regarding insurance coverage of contraceptives show movement […]

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Bishop Jenky calls on Catholics to join him in Springfield Feb. 20

Photo Caption: “The sanctity and dignity of Marriage is under attack,” said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, of Peoria in asking Catholics to travel to the State Capitol on Feb. 20 for a “Defend Marriage” lobby day. Saying “we can no longer sit silently, but rather we must stand together in solidarity,” Bishop Daniel R. […]

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Epiphany 8th graders “believe” in giving back, lead national contest

Photo Caption: Epiphany Catholic School eighth graders Sarah Thakral, Julia Nelson, Kelly Harris and McKenna Crouch hold four of the 50 Nook e-readers their U.S.-leading fundraising has already earned their school. By: By Tom Dermody “Where would I be if you didn’t believe?” — Justin Bieber, “Believe” —– NORMAL — Sarah Thakral, McKenna Crouch, Kelly […]

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Recently released films reviewed on basis of moral suitability

Photo Caption: Teresa Palmer and Nicholas Hoult star in a scene from the movie “Warm Bodies.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. Rating: From Catholic News Service The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting. […]

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