
Four men ‘ecstatic’ as they prepare for ordination to the priesthood Saturday

Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Patrick Wille, and Deacon Nathan Hopper will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Louis Tylka this Saturday, May 27, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

It’s ordination weekend! Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Patrick Wille, and Deacon Nathan Hopper will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Louis Tylka this Saturday, May 27, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. A reception, with the newly ordained priests offering first blessings, will follow […]

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Deacon Cárdenas Morán wants ‘to be there’ for people, extend God’s mercy

Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán receives the blessing of Bishop Louis Tylka before proclaiming the Gospel in Spanish at a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

By Paul Thomas Moore l The Catholic Post Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán likes friendship — and coffee. “When I have time with friends, I’m always like: ‘Can we have a coffee?’ Talk and drinking coffee is something ‘very Ignacio,’” he said, laughing. On the other end of the adrenaline spectrum, he also likes to fish. […]

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Deacon Dionesotes found path to priesthood led through a garden

Deacon Daniel Dionesotes presents the oil for the Sacred Chrism at the Chrism Mass this year at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. He will be anointed with the oil at his ordination May 27. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

By Paul Thomas Moore l The Catholic Post It was a tipping point in Deacon Daniel Dionesotes’ decision to become a priest and happened a decade ago as he took in the beautiful garden surrounding St. Joan of Arc Chapel at Marquette University in Milwaukee, where we was enrolled in business studies. It suddenly dawned […]

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Deacon Hopper: Profound encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist planted seeds

Deacon Nathan Hopper assists Bishop Louis Tylka at the altar after being ordained a transitional deacon last May. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Deacon Nathan Hopper had started to think he was growing out of the faith during his sophomore year in high school when Jesus made it clear he had other plans for the young man. He went on a retreat with the LifeTeen group at his home parish, Epiphany in Normal, and on the first night […]

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Deacon Wille: The Lord has prepared me for this from the very beginning

While visiting his alma mater, St. Philomena School in Peoria, this week, Deacon Patrick Wille got involved in a number of activities at a school assembly. Among them was seeing how fast the students could get ready for Mass, including putting on vestments and setting the altar. Here, second-grader Aidan Williams demonstrates his best prayer posture for Deacon Wille. (Provided photo)

Deacon Patrick Wille said he felt like the Lord was preparing him for the priesthood from the very beginning of life. It just took him some time to realize it. “When my mom was pregnant with me, she brought me to the adoration chapel at St. Philomena,” his home parish in Peoria, he said. “As […]

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Local artist goes with flow of Holy Spirit

Taryn Watkins presents her painting of the Holy Spirit to the man who commissioned it, Bishop Louis Tylka. (Provided photo)

There is so much to learn about the Holy Spirit just by gazing at Taryn Watkins’ new painting of the third person of the Holy Trinity. You can’t help but do that since it hangs above the tabernacle in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. “I’m always excited […]

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Pentecost 2023: Bishop Tylka looks to future with hope, builds upon past

This image of the Holy Spirit hangs in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. Commissioned by Bishop Louis Tylka, it was painted by Taryn Watkins. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The great Solemnity of Pentecost is a reminder to us of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. Indeed, our life as disciples in the Church is animated by the Holy Spirit who empowers and equips us for the mission that the Lord has given to us. […]

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Solemnity, smiles as three ordained transitional deacons by Bishop Tylka

Bishop Louis Tylka poses for a photo with the three seminarians he ordained to the transitional diaconate on May 20 at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. The new deacons are (from left) Johnathan (Jack) Swoik, Jacob Martini and Nicholas Conner. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

By Paul Thomas More l The Catholic Post At the ordination Mass for Deacons Nicholas “Nick” Conner, Jacob Martini and Jonathan “Jack” Swoik on May 20 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, liturgical ritual could be seen in all its solemnity. But there were also smiles — the smiles of the new deacons after the […]

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Charismatic Pentecost Mass planned in Morton for May 28

A stained glass window at St. Mary Church in Luxemburg, Wisconsin, depicts the Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles at Pentecost. (OSV News photo/Sam Lucero)

MORTON — Blessed Sacrament Church, 1020 S. First Ave., will host a Charismatic Pentecost Mass on Sunday, May 28, at 4 p.m. Praise and worship will begin at 3 p.m. and continue until Mass starts. There will be an opportunity to be prayed over after Mass. A potluck will follow and everyone is encouraged to […]

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Graduation Masses, ceremonies begin for 449 seniors at Catholic schools in diocese

Six of the eight Catholic high schools and academies in the Diocese of Peoria will have their graduation exercises this weekend. The valedictorians and salutatorians will be featured in the June 11 issue of The Catholic Post.

Graduation ceremonies have been scheduled for the eight Catholic high schools and academies in the Diocese of Peoria from May 19 to 28, with diplomas being awarded to 449 seniors. The busiest weekend for graduation events this year is May 19-21. In Champaign, the 59 seniors of The High School of Saint Thomas More will gather for […]

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