Four men ‘ecstatic’ as they prepare for ordination to the priesthood Saturday

Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Patrick Wille, and Deacon Nathan Hopper will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Louis Tylka this Saturday, May 27, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

It’s ordination weekend!

Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Patrick Wille, and Deacon Nathan Hopper will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Louis Tylka this Saturday, May 27, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Mass will begin at 10:30 a.m.

A reception, with the newly ordained priests offering first blessings, will follow at the Spalding Pastoral Center.

On his Facebook page, Bishop Louis Tylka gave a glimpse of the joy that will come after ordination by announcing that Deacon Dionesotes will be assigned to St. Philomena in Peoria; Deacon Cárdenas Morán will serve at St. Michael the Archangel in Streator; Deacon Wille will be assigned to St. Mary in Moline and minister as the chaplain at Alleman High School in Rock Island; and Deacon Hopper will serve the Galesburg Catholic Community.


Due to the number of family members and guests invited by those to be ordained, seating in the cathedral is expected to be limited. The Mass will be livestreamed from the Diocese of Peoria’s YouTube page, which can be found at

Those who can’t be seated at the cathedral are invited to the Spalding Pastoral Center to watch the livestream there. The doors will open at 9:30 a.m., and a permanent deacon will be present to distribute Communion.

Carla Oliver, coordinator for the Office of Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Peoria, said attending the liturgy by livestream would be a good incense-free option for people who are sensitive to incense.

Profiles for the new priests are linked to their names in the first paragraph.

Check back for coverage of the Mass and celebration.


SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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