
‘The Parish: A Community Formed for Mission’ is topic Sunday at St. Ann, Peoria

Father Matthew O'Donnell

“The Parish: A Community Formed for Mission” is the theme of a presentation to follow the 11 a.m. Mass at St. Ann Parish in Peoria this Sunday, Nov. 12. Leading the brief reflection and subsequent discussion will be Father Matthew O’Donnell, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The public is invited, and lunch is […]

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Sr. Mary Shryock, CSJ, Peoria native, dies at 95; funeral is in St. Louis on Nov. 16

Sister Mary Shryock, CSJ

ST. LOUIS, Missouri — A Mass of the Resurrection will be offered at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 16, at Nazareth Living Center, 2 Nazareth Lane in St. Louis, for Sister Mary Shryock, CSJ, a Peoria native and former teacher who was involved in music ministry and education in Peoria for nearly 25 years. Sister […]

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Sr. Subha Clare, OSF, professes perpetual vows as a Heading Avenue Franciscan

Sister Subha Clare, OSF, is pictured with Bishop Louis Tylka after professing perpetual vows as a Sister of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception on Oct. 15 at the West Peoria motherhouse.

Sister Subha Clare Ramesh, OSF, professed her perpetual vows as a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception (Heading Avenue Franciscans) on Oct. 15 at Immaculate Conception Convent in West Peoria. The vow ceremony took place during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Louis Tylka. In the name of the congregation, Sister […]

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Eucharist-inspired hymn to debut at Festival Choir’s concert Nov. 12 in Peoria

Mary Ann Fahey-Darling directs the St. Anthony Camerata Festival Choir in this image from the choir's Facebook page.

“Be Thou My Vision” is the theme of a concert by the St. Anthony Camerata Chorale Festival Choir of the Diocese of Peoria planned for 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 12, at St. Mark Church in Peoria. The program will feature the premiere performance of “Communion Prayer,” written by Patricia Morris of St. Vincent de […]

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It’s ‘welcome home’ as renovated St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center is blessed

Bishop Louis Tylka blesses the lounge and reception area at the newly renovated St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center in Normal during ceremonies on Oct. 29. The center serves Catholic students at Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, and Heartland Community College. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

By Tom Dermody NORMAL — St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center, the spiritual home for thousands of Catholic college students in Bloomington-Normal, feels a lot more “homey” following a major renovation. “It looks a little different, huh?” asked Bishop Louis Tylka as hundreds in attendance got their first glimpse of the improvements during blessing […]

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Lay evangelist urges priests to ‘personally disciple’ their staffs and parishioners

Lay evangelist Michael Gormley offered ways priests of the diocese could offer personal discipleship in an age of larger parishes during his keynote presenations at Priest Assembly Days. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

By Tom Dermody Forming disciples for Jesus Christ is not done via “conveyor belt” but through personal accompaniment, a lay evangelist told priests of the Diocese of Peoria during their Assembly Days on Oct. 17. “The mission of parish priests and your lay staffs who work on the pastoral side is to carry out the […]

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Timely advice, support as priests of diocese gather in ‘a difficult moment’

Bishop Louis Tylka addresses priests from throughout the Diocese of Peoria who gathered for their Assembly Days Oct. 17 and 18 at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. He thanked the priests for their commitment, cooperation, and leadership as the “Growing Disciples” pastoral planning process continues. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

By Tom Dermody In a time of historic transition in the Diocese of Peoria, more than 100 priests gathered to pray and hear words of encouragement, support, and advice. “I know this is a difficult moment,” said Bishop Louis Tylka in a heartfelt address at Priest Assembly Days, conducted Oct. 17 and 18 at the […]

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Praying for the dead — an All Souls Day reflection

A granite crucifix is seen among the headstones in a Catholic cemetery. All Souls' Day, the commemoration of all the faithful departed, is Nov. 2. (OSV News /Gregory A. Shemitz)

My Vocation is Love / Lindsey Weishar As we come upon the glorious feast of All Saints and the somber commemoration of All Souls, I am ever-more reminded of how intertwined the church is. Whether Church Triumphant (those in heaven), Church Suffering (those in purgatory), or Church Militant (those of us here on earth), we are […]

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Bring ‘Boxes of Joy’ for needy children to Brimfield parish hall in early November  

Two siblings in Guatemala share their excitement in opening a “Box of Joy” gift box from a generous donor.

By Paul Thomas Moore BRIMFIELD — Contacted on the tractor while she was helping with the harvest “if it doesn’t rain,” Box of Joy organizer Tina Windish of St. Joseph Parish, Brimfield, said she is hoping for a different kind of bumper crop come November. From Nov. 4-12, she would welcome a “rain” of shoebox-sized […]

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