
Vocations: God offers soccer player new game, goal

Photo Caption: Diocese of Peoria seminarian Chase Hilgenbrinck says that responding to God’s call to change in our lives can cause anxiety, but also leads to “the best version” of ourselves. By: By Chase Hilgenbrinck EDITOR’S NOTE: Chase Hilgenbrinck made headlines when he left behind a promising career as a professional soccer player in 2008 […]

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Pope Francis’ first morning: Marian prayer and bill paying

Photo Caption: Newly-elected Pope Francis leaves flowers in front of the “Salus Populi Romani,” (“Salvation of the Roman People”) a Marian icon in a chapel of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome. By: By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis began his first full day as pope with […]

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Vocations: Emmaus Days helped him hear invitation from God

Photo Caption: Deacon Scott Potthoff administers Communion to Chris Ozuna-Thornton of Chillicothe, who has prayed for him throughout his studies for the priesthood. By: By Deacon Scott Potthoff EDITOR’S NOTE: The following reflection was written by Deacon Scott Potthoff, who is completing his fourth year of theology studies at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, […]

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Pope Francis ‘must be extraordinary,’ says Bishop Jenky

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky fields questions during a press conference moments after the election of Pope Francis. Bishop Jenky urged prayers for the new pontiff. By: By Jennifer Willems, The Catholic Post Like the rest of the world, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, was still getting to know Pope Francis when he spoke to the […]

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New pope likely to celebrate installation Mass March 19

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Mass for the installation of a new pope could be celebrated March 19, the solemnity of St. Joseph, patron of the universal church. The new pope also would likely recite the Angelus March 17 with visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square. Asked March 13 whether the feast of St. Joseph […]

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Relic of St. Mary Magdalene is now touring our diocese

Photo Caption: A reliquary carrying a portion of the tibia (leg bone) of St. Mary Magdalene will be present for public veneration at stops in Peoria, LaSalle, and rural Princeville during its Illinois tour. A relic of St. Mary Magdalene now touring through Illinois will make several stops in the Diocese of Peoria in mid-March, […]

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Diocese, entities withdraw appeal of lawsuit ruling

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) — The Diocese of Nashville and seven other Catholic entities operating in the diocese have withdrawn their appeal of a judge’s dismissal of their lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the federal government’s mandate to provide health insurance coverage for artificial contraception and other services the church teaches are immoral. The appeal to […]

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New pope’s ‘yes’ is but the latest in a series

It is fitting that our annual special section on vocations is published with this issue of The Catholic Post that arrives so near the election of a new pope. Soon after he receives the required two-thirds of the votes necessary to become the 266th successor of St. Peter, the choice for pope is asked: “Do […]

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Jesus brings the focus back on his infinite, merciful love

By: By Msgr. Stuart Swetland Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 17 Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 126:1-2,2-3,4-5,6; Philippians 3:8-14; John 8:1-11 Imagine you are surrounded by a hostile crowd, leering and hate-filled. Your worst sins have been uncovered and all are aware of your shame. Not only that, but the crowd literally wants you dead. In addition, […]

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Recently released films reviewed on basis of moral suitability

Photo Caption: Michelle Williams stars in a scene from the movie “Oz the Great and Powerful.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-II — adults and adolescents. The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting. For full reviews […]

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