Mass at Holy Family Oct. 5 marks decade of adoration

As the members of Holy Family Parish in Peoria prepare to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its perpetual adoration program next month, they have some good news for area Catholics:

“The Doctor is in,” and, “Walk-ins are welcome.”

Those and similar messages are found on the back of promotional cards, the size of a business card, that will be distributed at the church on Sept. 27-28, the weekend before the anniversary celebration.

The parish will celebrate on Sunday, Oct. 5, with a Mass at 11 a.m. in the church at 3720 N. Sterling Ave., followed by a potluck in the school gymnasium.

The promotional cards, designed and produced by Father Alejandro Lopez, OFM Conv., parochial vicar, and Father Michael Glastetter, OFM Conv., pastor, invite people to, “Stop by. Anytime, day or night. Five minutes. Half an hour. A whole hour with the Divine Physician.”

Other messages on the cards include, “We’re looking for a few good men and women,” “We’ll leave the light on for you,” or, “For 10 years, He’s been waiting for you. What have you been waiting for?”

Holy Family Parish has also joined with St. Philomena’s, the other Peoria parish that has perpetual adoration, to circulate a small poster aimed at attracting more adorers. The poster, the work of Father Alejandro, has been sent to Peoria-area parishes for display on bulletin boards or insertion in parish bulletins.

Since Oct. 4, 1998, eucharistic adoration has been offered 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in the Bread of Life Chapel, located in the lower level of the Holy Family Parish Center at 2312 Wagner Lane, near the church and school.

Overseeing the program is a nine-member committee and four division leaders who cover each 24-hour period, making sure there is always someone in the chapel both day an d night.

To sign up for a regularly scheduled hour at the Bread of Life Chapel, call Joan Kirchgessner at (309) 682-2720 or Joel Gray at 686-1960.

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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