New safe environment effort

BLOOMINGTON — The implementation of the Diocese of Peoria’s new “safe environment” training program got under way this month with two “training of trainers” sessions in Bloomington and Galesburg.

The workshops, presented by Jerry Sanderson, assistant diocesan superintendent of schools, were designed to introduce the new training format to Catholic school principals, parish and school staff, pastors and school chaplains.

About 80 people attended the Bloomington session, held Aug. 7, while an additional 35 took part in the Galesburg session the following day. More than 200 program facilitators were scheduled to be trained in August.

The Diocesan Safe Environment Program consists of one-hour sessions in a PowerPoint format, designed to help adults identify the signs that a child might be a victim of abuse or an adult might be an abuser. It replaces the “Protecting God’s Children” program utilized by the diocese since 2002.

At the initial sessions, each safe environment trainer viewed the PowerPoint DVD, which begins with an opening message from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. The trainers each received a copy of the training DVD.

“The church is taking a leadership role in providing for the protection of children which is the responsibility of all of us,” Bishop Jenky says in his videotaped remarks. “It is our goal that the conduct of all will inspire and motivate and never endanger or scandalize. Be assured that God’s goodness and grace support you in your ministry.”

During safe environment training, facilitators will present the legal definitions of child abuse and child neglect and explain signs and behavioral indicators that a child is being victimized.

The program explains identifying signs of possible sexual predators, and underscores that school employees are required by law to report abuse. Reports may be made anonymously through the Department of Children and Family Services hotline, (800) 25-ABUSE.

“But whether we’re obligated under the law to report it, we do it because we take abuse and neglect seriously,” said Sanderson.

Trainees also will receive copies of the Diocese of Peoria’s policies and procedures relating to allegations of sexual abuse of minors, the diocesan harassment policy, and the Code of Pastoral Conduct.

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