
Homily text: A link of love unites the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Mother Teresa

Father Jeremy Freehill gives the homily at the diocesan celebration of the canonization of St. Teresa of Kolkata on Sept. 10. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is the the full text of the homily given by Father Jeremy Freehill at the diocesan celebration of the canonization of St. Teresa of Kolkata. The Sept. 10 Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria also marked 25 years of service in the Diocese of Peoria by the religious community she founded, […]

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Diocese celebrates St. Teresa of Kolkata, gives thanks for Missionaries of Charity

Bishop Jenky uses a relic of St. Teresa of Kolkata to bless members of her community, the Missionaries of Charity, following a Sept. 10 Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems

In a celebration that drew Missionaries of Charity from as far away as Chicago; Indianapolis and Gary, Indiana; St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota; and St. Louis to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, gave thanks for the canonization of their foundress, St. Teresa of Kolkata. He also led the applause for […]

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Home shrine reflects the love this priest’s mother has for St. Teresa of Kolkata

Carol Donton with her home shrine to Mother Teresa in Edwards. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

EDWARDS — When visitors come to Carol Donton’s home, moments after being greeted by her smile, they are made aware of her love for newly canonized St. Teresa of Kolkata. Just inside the doorway is a small shrine to the saint, with some of the treasured pieces made possible because Mrs. Donton’s son is Father […]

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‘Post’ readers share memories of, experiences with St. Teresa of Kolkata

When Mother Teresa was canonized at the Vatican on Sept. 4, hundreds in the Diocese of Peoria recalled being in the presence of a saint. Thousands of others in central Illinois of all faiths continue to be inspired by the words and actions of the foundress of the Missionaries of Charity who served “the poorest […]

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Cathedral Mass will honor St. Teresa of Kolkata, Missionaries of Charity Sept. 10

This statue of St. Teresa of Kolkata outside of St. Mary's Cathedral commemorates her visit on Dec. 10,1995. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Thousands of people from around the world filled St. Peter’s Square in Rome last Sunday to hear Pope Francis “declare and define” Mother Teresa’s sainthood, but that kind of good news isn’t something that can be confined to one day. The celebration continues this Saturday, Sept. 10, with a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in […]

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