At Jubilarian Mass, priests of the diocese mark milestone years of loving, serving

Father Stephen Willard, pastor of St. Patrick in Washington and St. Monica in East Peoria, sings the Hymn of Thanksgiving, "O God, Beyond All Praising," at the annual Jubilarian Mass on June 21. One of six priests celebrating 25 years of ordination this year, Father Willard will soon begin a new assignment as pastor of St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
Love was at the heart of Msgr. Mark Merdian’s homily at the annual Jubilarian Mass on June 21 — the love that Jesus has for all people and the love that priests are called to give in imitation of the Good Shepherd. “In every parish where I have loved my people as Jesus loved and […]
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