
Chris McAtee named Catholic Charities director for the Diocese of Peoria

Chris McAtee, the new director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Peoria, is pictured at his desk in the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

One adjective wasn’t enough for Chris McAtee to describe his enthusiasm at being named the new director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Peoria. “This is amazing, blessed, providential, great news for me and my family,” said McAtee, who comes to the diocese after two years with the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, where he […]

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‘Body of Christ’ at Champaign parish unites in Thanksgiving Basket Ministry

The Thanksgiving Basket Ministry of St. Matthew Parish in Champaign on Nov. 18 delivered nearly 240 baskets brimming with Thanksgiving dinner fixings and more to families struggling with food insecurity in the Champaign-Urbana area. Here, baskets dropped off near the church await delivery. (Provided photo/Sarah Budden)

By Paul Thomas Moore CHAMPAIGN — There are Thanksgiving baskets, and then there are Thanksgiving baskets. Since 2021, the Thanksgiving Basket Ministry at St. Matthew Parish here has specialized in the latter variety. “Basket” is really the polite term for these 18-gallon bins, which include 27 items for creating a Thanksgiving meal, as well as […]

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Disappointment, resolve after inaction ends tax credit scholarship program

Students, staff, and families from Central Catholic High School in Bloomington were among many who traveled to Springfield to urge the Illinois General Assembly to continue the Invest in Kids Act, providing donor-funded scholarships for families that otherwise might not be able to afford private school tuition. The Central Catholic contingent is pictured at the State Capitol on Nov. 7. (Photo from Central Catholic's Facebook page)

By Paul Thomas Moore Lawmakers failed to extend the Invest in Kids Act tax credit scholarship program during the recent fall veto sessions of the Illinois Legislature ending Nov. 9, but proponents say the fight is not over. More than 9,500 Illinois children of low-income families receive tuition support through the Invest in Kids program, […]

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Parish, bishop join St. Mary School in Bloomington celebrating 150 years

Bishop Louis Tylka processes into a full St. Mary Church in Bloomington for a Mass celebrating the 150th anniversary of St. Mary School on Thursday, Nov. 9. (The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore)

By Paul Thomas Moore BLOOMINGTON — Principal Jamie Hartrich was pleased but not surprised that a church full of St. Mary parishioners helped St. Mary School in Bloomington celebrate its 150th anniversary on Thursday, Nov. 9. The strong turnout for an 8 a.m. weekday Mass spoke to her of the close relationship between the parish […]

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U.S. bishops open fall assembly with prayer, reflection, and a Mass for peace

The National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore hosted the opening Mass of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' 2023 fall plenary assembly on Nov. 13. (OSV News/CNS file, Bob Roller)

BALTIMORE (OSV News) — Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services, who is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, led his brother bishops in prayer for wisdom as they began their fall plenary assembly in Baltimore Nov. 13 with a Mass for peace. Among those present for the […]

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‘Abide in Me’ diocese-wide retreat helps youth draw near to Jesus and Mary

Mia Birk of St. Philomena Parish in Peoria places a crown of flowers on a statue of Mary during the diocese-wide "Abide in Me" youth retreat at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish in Germantown Hills on Nov. 4. (The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore)

By Paul Thomas Moore GERMANTOWN HILLS — Mia Birk had the honor of crowning Mary at the “Abide in Me” diocese-wide youth retreat at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish on Nov. 4. Once down from the stepladder, it was time to join the other students for a group game and break time before Mass. “I […]

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It’s ‘welcome home’ as renovated St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center is blessed

Bishop Louis Tylka blesses the lounge and reception area at the newly renovated St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center in Normal during ceremonies on Oct. 29. The center serves Catholic students at Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, and Heartland Community College. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

By Tom Dermody NORMAL — St. John Paul II Catholic Newman Center, the spiritual home for thousands of Catholic college students in Bloomington-Normal, feels a lot more “homey” following a major renovation. “It looks a little different, huh?” asked Bishop Louis Tylka as hundreds in attendance got their first glimpse of the improvements during blessing […]

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Timely advice, support as priests of diocese gather in ‘a difficult moment’

Bishop Louis Tylka addresses priests from throughout the Diocese of Peoria who gathered for their Assembly Days Oct. 17 and 18 at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. He thanked the priests for their commitment, cooperation, and leadership as the “Growing Disciples” pastoral planning process continues. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

By Tom Dermody In a time of historic transition in the Diocese of Peoria, more than 100 priests gathered to pray and hear words of encouragement, support, and advice. “I know this is a difficult moment,” said Bishop Louis Tylka in a heartfelt address at Priest Assembly Days, conducted Oct. 17 and 18 at the […]

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Town hall overflows as push to retain tax scholarship program intensifies

An estimated 600 supporters spilled out of St. Mark School gym into hallways and overflow rooms at a town hall in Peoria to show support for the continuation of the Invest In Kids tax scholarship program, currently slated to “sunset” at year’s end. Miranda Eversole, mother of two children attending Holy Family School in Peoria through the program, is applauded as she voices her support. (The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore)

By Paul Thomas Moore Terry Mischler, director of religious education at St. Mark School in Peoria, didn’t hear everything the speakers said at the Oct. 12 town hall in the packed school gym to save Illinois’ Invest in Kids tax scholarship program. She was too busy taking people to overflow classrooms showing a livestream of […]

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Historic changes for parishes proposed; feedback sought throughout the diocese

Deacon John Murphy distributes feedback forms during a "Growing Disciples" parish meeting Oct. 5 at Harkrader Hall of St. Louis Parish in Princeton. All parishes in the Diocese of Peoria are hosting gatherings in October to discuss and offer feedback regarding a second draft of parish models in the pastoral planning process. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

By Tom Dermody Proposals to historically reorganize the network of parishes throughout the Diocese of Peoria in order to strengthen the local church for present and future realities are being reviewed in every parish during October. “Your feedback is needed, welcomed, and necessary to this process,” says Bishop Louis Tylka in a video message played […]

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