
Lindsey Weishar: Embracing solidarity in a deeply divided world

My Vocation is Love / By Lindsey Weishar At the end of September 2020, I participated in The Culture Project’s Restore Culture Virtual Workshops. I was particularly struck by Chenele Shaw’s talk, titled “Why Racism is a Pro-Life Issue.” Her call was to reframe our language when talking about issues in the context of our […]

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Katie Faley: Walking in the footsteps of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on Mother’s Day

Elizabeth Ann Seton was a wife and mother who was widowed at the age of 29 in 1803. Despite great hardships, she went on to do amazing work, and eventually became the first American-born saint in 1975. (Photo from

Cause of Our Joy / Katie Faley Have you ever had a saint follow you around? As if popping up in the most unexpected places throughout your life to say, “I’m praying for you!” That has been St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in my life. Four years ago, after being accepted into graduate school, I was […]

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Lindsey Weishar: Holy Uncertainty

The Resurrection window at St. John's Catholic Chapel in Champaign. (Provided photo)

My Vocation is Love / Lindsey Weishar If you’re ever at St. John’s Catholic Newman Center in Champaign for an evening Mass you may detect a light shining through the small Resurrection window behind the altar on the right side of the church. The light’s coming from Room 205; I know this because it was […]

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Paul Moore: Threads of connection

"When I hold my rosary . . . I sense a cord of connection to Our Lord and Our Lady," writes columnist Paul Thomas Moore.

In My Father’s House / By Paul Thomas Moore Every day I hold on to my health, my happiness, my marriage, my peace of mind, my finances, by the slenderest of threads. There’s no particular matter of concern for me in any of these areas right now, today. It’s just that life has taught me that […]

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Katie Faley: Marveling at glimpses of God’s majestic beauty in a spring garden

Tulips bloom outside St. Hyacinth Church in LaSalle. Columnist Katie Faley says "when the tulips, lilies, and daffodils pop up on their own around Easter . . . it's an easy reminder that, with Jesus, we die and rise with new life." (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Cause of Our Joy / By Katie Faley The sunny days we have had these last few weeks have me feeling ready to shake off the winter blues. As ambivalent as I can feel about winter when it lingers around a little too long, I am very thankful that I live in an area with […]

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Paul Moore: Now is always the time of St. Joseph and his silent support

A woman lights a votive candle Oct. 2 at St. Joseph's Oratory in Montreal. Founded by St. André Bessette, a member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross who was canonized in 2010, St. Joseph's Oratory is the world's largest shrine dedicated to St. Joseph and Canada's largest Catholic church building. The candles spell, in French, “St. Joseph, Patron of the Church.” (CNS/Gregory A. Shemitz)

In My Father’s House / By Paul Thomas Moore My ears pricked up at the sound of my name. “Did you hear that, Paul? “‘Now is the time of St. Joseph,’” said our parish director of faith formation, Ileen Grebner. I’d been half-listening while gazing out the window. Now a memory flashed of long-ago teachers […]

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