
New cornerstone for Washington school, gift from Class of 2021, dedicated

Bishop Louis Tylka sprinkles holy water on the new granite cornerstone at St. Patrick School in Washington. The plaque above it commemorates the occasion. The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems

WASHINGTON — Cornerstones are markers that designate a space. More importantly, they let people know what we want to do and what we want to be, said Bishop Louis Tylka. As he prepared to bless the new cornerstone at St. Patrick School here on March 15, he explained that sometimes they fade as the building […]

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Priests renew promises, sacramental oils blessed, consecrated at Chrism Mass

Transitional Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, who is preparing for his priestly ordination in May, presents the oil for the Sacred Chrism at the Chrism Mass April 4. He is accompanied by those who support vocations -- Carla Oliver and Anne Lucas. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

The Lord has anointed each of us for a purpose, for a mission — namely to bring Christ to others. Bishop Louis Tylka said the Chrism Mass that was celebrated on April 4 made that clear in several powerful ways. The first came when he and the priests of the Diocese of Peoria renewed the […]

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Bishop blesses ‘wonderful gathering space’ at Sacred Heart in Moline

The new Gathering Center at Sacred Heart Church in Moline adds 5,000 square feet to the century-old church. It was dedicated by Bishop Louis Tylka on March 18. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MOLINE — For many years, Msgr. Dale Wellman dreamed of having a place where people could gather and welcome others to Sacred Heart Church here. On March 18, the retired pastor saw his dream come true as Bishop Louis Tylka blessed the parish’s new Gathering Center. The $2.3 million project adds 5,000 square feet to […]

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Proud to be Irish and Catholic at St. Patrick’s Mass and parade in Peoria

The float designed by the Diocese of Peoria invited people to "Live Like an Irish Saint" during the 41st St. Patrick's Day parade in Peoria March 17. Bishop Louis Tylka walked in front, while St. Patrick (Stephen Berlinger) walked behind. The back of the float had Bishop Tylka's coat of arms and episcopal motto, "Go Make Disciples." (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

“Everyone should be proud of their heritage, but we have better music and better food,” said Rita O’Neil Loyd, who was selected as Irish Mother of the Year for 2023 by the St. Patrick’s Society in Peoria. Few would have disagreed with her as the city’s 41st St. Patrick’s Day parade stepped off. Taking part […]

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Third video in ‘Five Foundations’ series released, focuses on fostering vocations

Sister M. Bernadette, FSGM, and Father Chase Hilgenbrinck have a conversation about vocations, starting with everyone’s call to holiness, for the third video in a series on Bishop Louis Tylka’s “Five Foundations.” The video was released March 14. (Provided photo)

Everyone has a vocation. “We are all called to discern how best to serve the Lord, the church, and our communities,” said Bishop Louis Tylka as he introduced the third video in a series about the “Five Foundations” on which he hopes the Diocese of Peoria will build a “mission-driven, vibrant church of tomorrow.” As […]

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‘Messiness of life’ proves to be fertile ground for Pope Francis at 10 years

Bishop Louis Tylka greets Pope Francis on Sept. 8, 2022, the final day of a weeklong course of formation in Rome for more than 150 new bishops from around the world. Bishop Tylka said the pope has influenced his ministry by affirming that life is messy and that's OK, because that's where we find God. (Photo courtesy of L'Osservatore Romano)

Bishop Louis Tylka knew when Pope Francis stepped out onto the balcony after his election on March 13, 2013, that things were about to change. “He came out dressed more simply and asked for prayers for him before he offered prayers for us,” Bishop Tylka said. “Something was different. Something was changing.” He said we […]

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More than 300 affirmed for their journey of faith at the Rite of Election

At the Rite of Election on Feb. 25, Bishop Louis Tylka leads the applause for those who will complete their initiation and be received in the full communion of the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Lent is a time to be renewed and the word itself is about springtime, new growth and new life, said Bishop Louis Tylka as he presided over the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion on Saturday, Feb. 25, and Sunday, Feb. 26, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Addressing the more than 300 […]

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Video on discipleship shows that it’s not for a select few, but for everyone

Matt Faley and Jenny Witt are seen talking about discipleship in the second of five video conversations in Bishop Louis Tylka's "Five Foundations" series. The foundations are designed to support the Growing Disciples pastoral planning process. (Provided photo)

Everyone is called to discipleship, although some may doubt how qualified they are. Jenny Witt said they shouldn’t worry about that. “People, when they hear that word, think to be a disciple of Jesus I have to be perfect and have everything together,” said Witt, director of evangelization at St. Philomena Parish in Peoria. “It’s […]

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Diocesan Scout Mass: Celebrating family of Scouting in the family of the church

Bishop Louis Tylka is surrounded by everyone who received an award in Scouting at the Diocesan Scout Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral Feb. 19. Among them were Margaret Hatton (top row, far left) and Chris Lugardo (top row, far right), who received the Bronze Pelican Award, as did Bishop Tylka. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

For Chris Lugardo, Scouting isn’t just an outdoor program. It’s youth ministry. “We started because it was something for our oldest to do when he was of age. But quickly, when I started looking through the Scout manual and seeing the values and virtues that Scouting was based on, that really appealed to us, because […]

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New round of ‘conversation starters’ planned for Growing Disciples process

Bishop Louis Tylka provides a “tactical update” on the Growing Disciples process via video. A new message regarding how the conversation will include the schools was released Feb. 28.

When it comes to Growing Disciples, the two-year pastoral planning process taking place in the Diocese of Peoria right now, Bishop Louis Tylka knows that everyone just wants to know what’s going to happen. He can’t give them an answer, however. “It’s not just about telling you what’s going to happen,” he said. “It’s about […]

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