
Last Mass offered at St. Elizabeth Church in Washburn as community says farewell

The last Mass at St. Elizabeth Church in Washburn was celebrated on July 29. It has been relegated to “profane but not sordid use” by a decree from the Diocese of Peoria and closed. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

WASHBURN — For 87 years, Marie Beltramea Bond called St. Elizabeth Church here her spiritual home. So it gave her great joy to return with her extended family last weekend for one last Mass and potluck. “It’s marvelous,” she said as she looked around at the basement parish hall that was filled with people and […]

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Rock Island Vicariate planning eucharistic revival ‘pilgrimage’ Aug. 19-24

Father Luke Spannagel

Grace will be flowing like a river from Aug. 19 to 24 when the parishes of the Rock Island Vicariate come together for a Eucharistic Revival. Leading them on the “R.I.V.E.R. pilgrimage” will be Father Luke Spannagel, one of more than 50 National Eucharistic Preachers. The idea for the vicariate gathering grew out of a […]

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Levering’s book explores Newman’s concerns on doctrinal corruption

Reviewed by Dr. Matthew Vander Vennet Word on Fire Academic has recently published a work on St. John Henry Newman by the inimitable Dr. Matthew Levering titled “Newman on Doctrinal Corruption.” Newman has many claims to fame, but chief among those claims lies his thoughts on the development of Christian doctrine over the centuries. In fact, […]

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St. Peregrine, pray for us: Monticello shrine comforts all touched by cancer

Bishop Louis Tylka offers a prayer of blessing for the new St. Peregrine Shrine at St. Philomena Church in Monticello. St. Peregrine -- who was healed of a cancerous growth on his foot when he had a vision of Jesus touching him -- is the patron saint of those with cancer. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

MONTICELLO — In her heart, Ruth Ann Larson believes there isn’t one person who has not been touched by cancer in one form or another. What they didn’t have was a place they could go to remember, pray and reflect — until now. With a statue donated by Larson and her family and the support […]

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Filipino Catholics mark 25th anniversary of enthronement of Santo Niño de Cebu

The figure of Santo Niño de Cebu, which has been enthroned at St. Joseph Church in Peoria for 25 years, is carried in procession throughout the church by (clockwise from lower left) Richard Garcia, Roger Calisim, Jeff Kolar and Raymart Basco. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

The image of the Christ Child as Santo Niño de Cebu has been venerated at St. Joseph Church in Peoria for 25 years, but it is more than a local custom, according to Father William Miller, pastor. “It takes us back to the very beginnings of Christianity brought to the people of the Philippines – […]

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Final video in Five Foundations series explores legacy of Fulton Sheen

Katie Bogner and Msgr. Jason Gray have a wide-ranging conversation about the life and legacy of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen in the final video focusing on the Five Foundations of Growing Disciples. (Screengrab courtesy of Fiat Films)

Thinking about Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen as an historical figure with a nice story doesn’t begin to do justice to the sainthood candidate, who has his roots in the Diocese of Peoria, according to Msgr. Jason Gray, executive director of the Fulton Sheen Foundation. “He had insights about the Gospel and about the Eucharist and […]

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Diocesan youth have ‘amazing’ encounter with Jesus at Steubenville conference

Among the 5,000 high school students who attended the Steubenville STL Mid-America Conference at Missouri State University July 7-9 were young people from the Diocese of Peoria, including St. Thomas the Apostle in Peoria Heights, St. Mark in Peoria, Blessed Sacrament in Morton, St. Matthew and The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign, St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington, and Marquette Academy in Ottawa. (Provided photo)

High school students from around the Diocese of Peoria weren’t sure what they were going to find at the Steubenville Mid-America STL Conference at Missouri State University, but Jesus was waiting for them and he knew what he wanted them to find. It was none other than himself, present in the Eucharist, that touched hearts […]

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Fun and faith mix with diocesan presence at West Peoria Fourth of July Parade

The Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Heading Avenue Franciscans, wave to their neighbors in West Peoria who lined the city's streets for the 51st annual Fourth of July Parade. The banners on their trailer reminded people that they seek to be "a caring, praying presence" in the community. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

WEST PEORIA — People filled the streets of West Peoria for the 51st annual Fourth of July Parade, which celebrated the 247th anniversary of the birth of the United States and those who have served her. But first, they remembered that we are “one nation, under God.” Bishop Louis Tylka gave the invocation for the […]

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