
Each of us is a beneficiary of God’s mercy and love — rejoice!

By: By Sharon Priester Fourth Sunday of Lent/March 15 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23; Psalm 137:1-2,3,4-5,6; Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 This Sunday we are a little over halfway through our Lenten journey and looking forward to the celebration of Easter. Like any journey, we sometimes get to a point where we hit a roadblock. Maybe we are […]

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Bishop Jenky shares his memories of Notre Dame’s Father Hesburgh

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky places the Profession Cross of Father Theodore Hesburgh, CSC, on his casket during the funeral Mass for the longtime president of the University of Notre Dame on March 4. By: By Tom Dermody A calm leader. A great storyteller. A good religious. Intelligent. An extremely kind man, devoted to his priesthood. […]

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Two commitments: Holy Cross priest, and Bishop of Peoria

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky describes how his lifetime commitment to the Congregation of Holy Cross adds to his ministry as Bishop of Peoria in the cover story of The Catholic Post’s special section on vocations. By: By Jennifer Willems EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is the cover story of a special section on vocations in the […]

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Diocesan choir is forming for nine-day pilgrimage to Italy

Photo Caption: Singers from all over the diocese are welcome to join the choir, which will depart from Chicago on Dec. 30, and return on Jan. 7, 2016. The trip is also open to anyone wishing to travel. If St. Augustine is right and “those who sing pray twice,” the diocesan choir that is forming […]

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CNS reviews of recent films on the basis of moral suitability

Rating: By Catholic News Service PHOTO: Dev Patel, Richard Gere, Tina Desai, Diana Hardcastle, Judi Dench and Ronald Pickup star in a scene from the movie “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. See review below. —– The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service […]

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Champaign sidewalk counselor saves babies, mothers with love

Photo Caption: Joy Pace stands outside Planned Parenthood’s Champaign Health Center, where she can be found most Fridays when abortions take place and on Wednesdays during 40 Days for Life. By: By Jennifer Willems CHAMPAIGN — Joy Pace had been doing pro-life work for a bit when her real education began. The lesson came during […]

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Concert at cathedral on Sunday features award-winning organist

Two concerts will be held this month at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 607 N.E. Madison Ave., in Peoria. The first is planned for Sunday, March 8, at 3:30 p.m. and will feature Jonathan Rudy, who recently won first prize and the Audience Prize at the American Guild of Organists’ 2014 National Young Artists Competition in Organ […]

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Looking for a local fish fry? Check out (or add to) our list

Photo Caption: A young volunteer displays food prepared for dinners served at a Friday evening fish fry. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following list was compiled from information provided to The Catholic Post. To add to this list, email with “Fish Fry” in the subject line. BENSON: The Knights of Columbus, St. Francis of Assisi Council […]

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Support The Catholic Post’s 2015 Delivering Unity Campaign

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has urged all Catholic households in the Diocese of Peoria to support and read The Catholic Post, calling it a “valuable resource that unites, informs, and inspires us as the Body of Christ in central Illinois.” The newspaper of the Diocese of Peoria has opened its 2015 Delivering Unity Campaign […]

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Consecrated Life Series: The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation

Photo Caption: Sister Celine Marie Morth, SMP, offers a listening ear to a resident in one of the care centers administered by the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation. By: By Sister Anne Germaine Picard, SMP EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fifth in a series featuring religious communities and other forms of consecrated life around […]

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