Hundreds of new Catholics are welcomed at Easter Vigil Masses

Caption: Msgr. Mark Merdian pours newly blessed water from the baptismal font at St. Pius X Parish in Rock Island over the head of Megan Boemecke at the Easter Vigil on April 4. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)


After months of preparation, study, and prayer, nearly 200 new Catholics received the sacraments of initiation at parishes around the Diocese of Peoria during Easter Vigil liturgies on April 4.

The Catholic Post camera captured images from the Easter Vigil at St. Pius X in Rock Island, where eight people were received into the Catholic Church. Among them was Chuck Gibbs, whose story of faith is told here.

To view more photos from the ceremonies at St. Pius X, visit The Catholic Post’s page on Facebook.

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