
165 explore God’s plan for lives at Emmaus Days 2015

Photo Caption: Deacon Michael Pica, who will be ordained to the priesthood next May, and seminarian Brian Bibb (right) speak with Emmaus Days participants prior to an outdoor activity at St. Bede Abbey in Peru. More than 160 boys and young men spent part of their summer exploring God’s will for their lives during four […]

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Appeal replacing scholarship dinner for seminarians this year

Rather than raising funds for college seminarians through a dinner this summer, the Msgr. George A. Carton College Seminarian Scholarship Fund is making a general appeal for donations. A scheduling conflict led to the decision, according to Frank Kobilsek of Mendota, chairman of the annual dinner that usually takes place in early August before seminarians […]

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Time to take a stand again on funding of Planned Parenthood

The funding of Planned Parenthood, now in the national debate thanks to secretly recorded videos that appear to show the organization’s involvement in procuring and selling human body parts from aborted fetuses, was big news in the Diocese of Peoria 36 years ago. In July of 1979, Bishop Edward W. O’Rourke made headlines by withdrawing […]

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Prayerful response in Champaign to videos on Planned Parenthood

By: By Tom Dermody (Photo by Rachel Palmberg) CHAMPAIGN — As a series of disturbing videos continued to be released claiming Planned Parenthood’s involvement in procuring and selling human body parts from aborted fetuses, some members of the local pro-life community turned to public prayer on Tuesday. About 15 people took part in a prayerful […]

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Charismatic Renewal Conference: trust Jesus in era of deception

Photo Caption: Carrie Carroll of Pontiac was among the 260 praising Jesus during the Charismatic Renewal Conference sponsored July 25 by the Diocese of Peoria at the Embassy Suites in East Peoria. By: By Tom Dermody With bluntness and urgency, speakers at the Charismatic Renewal Conference last Saturday called Catholics to grow closer to Christ […]

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Four teams let Totus Tuus summer program in 21 parishes

Totus Tuus, which is Latin for “totally yours,” is completing its fourth summer in the Diocese of Peoria. Started in six parishes, the catechetical program was taken to 21 parishes this year. In addition to the team of Zachary Taylor, Stephen Tony, Lydia Perrilles and Maddie Conley mentioned in the story about how Totus Tuus […]

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Totus Tuus: totally fun, inspiring summer weeks around diocese

Photo Caption: The children who attended the day program for Totus Tuus in LaSalle July 19-24 shout “God is good!” By: By Jennifer Willems LASALLE — Who says sharing the faith can’t be fun, as well as deeply spiritual and inspiring? This summer, four teams of college students and seminarians have been using laughter and […]

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God provides ‘true bread’ to satisfy our deepest hunger

By: By Sharon Priester Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Aug. 2 Exodus 16:2-4,12-15; Psalm 78:3-4,23-24,25,54; Ephesians 4:17,20-24; John 6:24-35 —– Bread — a staple of life. For centuries, bread has sustained people. When I was growing up, we always had bread at breakfast, lunch and dinner. My dad, who worked in a tannery, took at least […]

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CNS reviews of recent films on the basis of moral suitability

Photo Caption: Paul Rudd stars in a scene from the movie “Ant-Man.” The Catholic News Service classification, A-II — adults and adolescents. Rating: By Catholic News Service The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting. For full reviews […]

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Pro-life Joshua seminar, camp set Aug. 7-8 in Galesburg

GALESBURG — Knox County Right to Life has planned events on Friday, Aug. 7, and Saturday, Aug. 8, to give high school students and adults the tools they need to stand up for life. Both will be held at Costa Catholic Academy, 2726 Costa Drive. The Joshua Seminar, a pro-life educational evening for adults, will […]

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