
PDCCW now offering individual memberships

Council Comments l April Adams As chair of the Evangelization Commission, I am excited to announce that the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is extending our PDCCW membership to all women of the Peoria Diocese. For years we have been known for our affiliate membership of women’s organizations, and we still offer these organizational […]

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Do you believe you are the type of person who evangelizes? If not, why not?

Father Timothy Hepner

Living the Word l Father Timothy Hepner Sixth Sunday of Easter l May 14 Acts 8:5-8,14-17; Psalm 66:1-3,4-5,6-7,16,20; 1 Peter 3:15-18; John 14:15-21 Sadly, I will miss Immaculate Conception School’s production of the musical “Frozen” this year, since I am away for ongoing formation. I was looking forward to it because our school musicals are […]

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Sheen birthday broadcast carries on despite power outage at pastoral center

Bishop Louis Tylka is interviewed by Covenant Radio host Adam Wright, who broadcast live from the Fulton J. Sheen Museum May 8 in honor of Venerable Fulton Sheen's birthday. (The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore)

By Paul Thomas Moore Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen would have been right at home on Monday, May 8, when an hour of live radio was broadcast in honor of his birthday from the Fulton J. Sheen Museum in the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. A little drama transpired the night before when a storm knocked […]

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Bishop Tylka will ordain three transitional deacons May 20

The seminarians who will be ordained transitional deacons on May 20 are (from left) Jacob Martini, Johnathan "Jack" Swoik and Nicholas Conner. (Composite photo/Office of Priestly Vocations)

Three seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria will move one step closer to the priesthood when they are ordained as transitional deacons on Saturday, May 20, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. by Bishop Louis Tylka. The public is invited, but seating is expected to be limited. […]

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Diocese will gain four priests on May 27

This composite photo, courtesy of the Diocese of Peoria’s Office of Priestly Vocations, shows the four seminarians who will be ordained May 27: Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Nathan Hopper, Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, and Deacon Patrick Wille.

Bishop Louis Tylka will ordain four men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Peoria on Saturday, May 27, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The Mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. The ordinands are Deacon Ignacio Cárdenas Morán, Deacon Daniel Dionesotes, Deacon Nathan Hopper and Deacon Patrick Wille. They will offer their first blessings […]

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Only Jesus is the true shepherd

Father Timothy Hepner

Living the Word l Father Timothy Hepner Fourth Sunday of Easter l April 30 Acts 2:14a,36-41; Psalm 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6; 1 Peter 2:20b-25; John 10:1-10 Jesus seems to ask a lot of me. When I became serious about being his friend, I had to give up other friendships. I had to stop listening to certain kinds of music […]

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Relics of eucharistic revival patrons will travel around diocese April 20-23

Those who attended the High School Eucharistic Conference on April 20 weren’t the only ones who will have a chance to venerate the relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, the patrons of the National Eucharistic Revival. On loan from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the relics will be traveling through […]

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