By: The Catholic Post - November 22, 2023 -
Living the Word
Deacon Greg Kandra
Living the Word / By Deacon Greg Kandra Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Nov. 26 Ezekiel 43:11-12, 15-17; Psalms 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25:31-46 Are we here already? Suddenly, we find ourselves at the end of the liturgical year, gazing down the road toward Advent and Christmas (!) […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 22, 2023 -
Featured Article
Students, staff, and families from Central Catholic High School in Bloomington were among many who traveled to Springfield to urge the Illinois General Assembly to continue the Invest in Kids Act, providing donor-funded scholarships for families that otherwise might not be able to afford private school tuition. The Central Catholic contingent is pictured at the State Capitol on Nov. 7. (Photo from Central Catholic's Facebook page)
By Paul Thomas Moore Lawmakers failed to extend the Invest in Kids Act tax credit scholarship program during the recent fall veto sessions of the Illinois Legislature ending Nov. 9, but proponents say the fight is not over. More than 9,500 Illinois children of low-income families receive tuition support through the Invest in Kids program, […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 22, 2023 -
Featured Article
Bishop Louis Tylka processes into a full St. Mary Church in Bloomington for a Mass celebrating the 150th anniversary of St. Mary School on Thursday, Nov. 9. (The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore)
By Paul Thomas Moore BLOOMINGTON — Principal Jamie Hartrich was pleased but not surprised that a church full of St. Mary parishioners helped St. Mary School in Bloomington celebrate its 150th anniversary on Thursday, Nov. 9. The strong turnout for an 8 a.m. weekday Mass spoke to her of the close relationship between the parish […]
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By: Tom Dermody - November 22, 2023 -
News Article
Pictured assembling a layette Nov. 15 for a needy family with a newborn are Christ Child of Central Illinois members, from left, Shari Paris of the Pontiac Circle, Pam Tomlianovich of the Peoria Circle; and Judy Weber, also of the Pontiac Circle. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
The two chapters of the Christ Child Society in the Diocese of Peoria are marking 15 years of helping to provide a good start to families in need who have welcomed newborn babies. The Christ Child Society of Central Illinois and the Christ Child Society the Quad Cities were recognized with 15-year certificates at the […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 14, 2023 -
Featured Article
The National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore hosted the opening Mass of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' 2023 fall plenary assembly on Nov. 13. (OSV News/CNS file, Bob Roller)
BALTIMORE (OSV News) — Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services, who is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, led his brother bishops in prayer for wisdom as they began their fall plenary assembly in Baltimore Nov. 13 with a Mass for peace. Among those present for the […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 9, 2023 -
News Article
Msgr. Jason Gray, executive director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation, discusses the sainthood cause of Archbishop Sheen with Catholic Spirit Radio host Royce Hood (center) on Oct. 25 at the network’s studio in Normal. (Provided photo)
By Paul Thomas Moore NORMAL — Msgr. Jason Gray gave an update on the cause for the beatification of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen during an on-air fundraiser for Catholic Spirit Radio on Oct. 25. The executive director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation illustrated how the “pause in the cause” has permitted the test of […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 9, 2023 -
Book Review
Reviewed by Lindsey Weishar Dawn Eden Goldstein’s 2022 book, “Father Ed: The Story of Bill W’s Spiritual Sponsor,” tells the story of Father Ed Dowling, a Jesuit priest in the Archdiocese of St. Louis whose passion for accompanying the suffering led him to friendship with Bill Wilson, one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Demonstrating […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 9, 2023 -
Columnist Katie Faley hopes early shopping helps her save "mental energy and all that time for what really matters -- entering into the season of Advent, preparing the way of the Lord, and opening the door to the inn of my heart for the baby Jesus." (CNS/Reuters)
Cause of Our Joy / By Katie Faley It’s Dec. 23, I’ve only just finished my Christmas shopping, I’m feverishly wrapping presents, I’m tired and worn out, cursing myself for waiting until the last minute yet again, and I’m promising myself that I’m going to start my Christmas shopping in October next year. But of […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 9, 2023 -
Living the Word
Deacon Greg Kandra
Living the Word / Deacon Greg Kandra Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Nov. 12 Wisdom 6:12-16; Psalms 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 It’s that time of year again. In much of the country, the leaves are falling (or have fallen), nights are lengthening, frost is appearing on the ground — and the […]
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By: The Catholic Post - November 9, 2023 -
Featured Article
Mia Birk of St. Philomena Parish in Peoria places a crown of flowers on a statue of Mary during the diocese-wide "Abide in Me" youth retreat at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish in Germantown Hills on Nov. 4. (The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore)
By Paul Thomas Moore GERMANTOWN HILLS — Mia Birk had the honor of crowning Mary at the “Abide in Me” diocese-wide youth retreat at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish on Nov. 4. Once down from the stepladder, it was time to join the other students for a group game and break time before Mass. “I […]
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