
Delayed 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal is set to open Sept. 19-20 with a lowered goal

The theme of the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal is "Know, Love, Serve." It was conducted primarily through direct mail this year because of the pandemic.

Nearly six months later than originally scheduled and with an acknowledgment that “this is an extraordinary time” because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Annual Diocesan Appeal will officially begin the weekend of Sept. 19-20. The theme — “Know, Love, Serve” — remains the same, but this summer Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, lowered the […]

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“The Broken Hearts Gallery” (Sony)

Molly Gordon, Geraldine Viswanathan and Phillipa Soo star in a scene from the movie "The Broken Hearts Gallery." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/TriStar Pictures)

By Catholic News Service Shoddy values undermine the appeal of this romantic comedy, set in New York, that charts the twists and turns in the relationship between a down-on-her-luck art gallery worker (Geraldine Viswanathan) and an aspiring hotelier (Dacre Montgomery) strapped for cash to complete the renovation of his future hostelry. On the rebound from […]

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No masking the love, faith of diocese’s golden and silver anniversary couples

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky applauds as couples celebrating their golden anniversaries in 2020 lower their masks to kiss after renewing their marriage vows at a Sept. 13 Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria. In the foreground are John and Mary Beth Duffy of St. Patrick Parish in Dwight, while at left are Tim and Judy Schrader of St. Ambrose Parish in Milan. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

There was no masking the love that was present in St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria the weekend of Sept. 12-13. Couples observing 25 or 50 years of marriage in 2020 may be having subdued anniversary celebrations because of the pandemic, but the gratitude expressed for their witness to love and faith during separate Masses for […]

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Grand Ridge woman adds state leadership post to her long list of service to church

One of Nympha White's favorite projects has been Box of Joy, a mnistry of Cross Catholic Outreach. This photo was taken as she was packing boxes with items donated for children in need last fall with the help of Laurel Stein of St. Mark Parish in Peoria and her daughters (from left) Anna, Clare, Elizabeth and Maggie. White is the new director of the Chicago Province of the National Council of Catholic Women. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

GRAND RIDGE — For the next two years, the Chicago Province of the National Council of Catholic Women will be in the hands of a woman who is brimming with energy and doesn’t like to waste time. “Even when I’m watching TV, my hands are busy,” said Nympha White of Grand Ridge, who was installed […]

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Friday morning rosary walks pray for neighbors around St. Ann Church, Peoria

Father Jeremy Freehill, administrator of St. Ann Parish in Peoria, leads a rosary walk through the church neighborhood on the city's south side on Sept. 4. Carrying the cross is Tom Wiegand while holding the Mary statue is Terry Davis. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

How long does it take to pray the rosary? For those who take part in rosary walks every Friday morning in the blocks surrounding St. Ann Church on Peoria’s south side, the answer depends on how many neighbors they encounter as they walk and pray. “We want them to know St. Ann is here whatever […]

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“Mulan” (Disney)

Yifei Liu stars in the title role in "Mulan." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Disney)

By Catholic News Service To spare her father (Tzi Ma), a partially disabled veteran, from having to serve again, the teen girl of the title (Yifei Liu) disguises herself as a young man and answers the Emperor of China’s (Jet Li) summons to take up arms against an invasion force (led by Jason Scott Lee) […]

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Four new principals begin roles at Catholic schools in challenging year

Four Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria welcomed new principals over the summer who bring with them many years of experience, a willingness to change course and adapt quickly as COVID-19 conditions have changed, and a dedication to Catholic education. They are Jim Caparula at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy in East Moline, […]

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Mystery writer Susan Furlong of Savoy has a personal story of faith and grace

Susan Furlong-Bolliger of Savoy, a mystery novelist and member of St. Thomas Parish in Philo, holds a paperback copy of her book "Splintered Silence" on the shelf of the Target store in Champaign. (Photo from the Susan Furlong - Author Facebook page)

“The source of justice is not vengeance but charity.” SAVOY – The quote from St. Bridget of Sweden appears just before Chapter 1 of Susan Furlong’s latest mystery novel, “Shattered Justice.” But you won’t find “Shattered Justice” in your local Catholic bookstore. The third and final installment of Furlong’s popular Bone Gap Travellers series, like […]

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