
Carla Oliver joins Office of Vocations

Carla Oliver

Carla Oliver has joined the Curia of the Diocese of Peoria as an administrative assistant in the Office of Vocations. A native of Texas City, Texas, Oliver is a 2014 graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University with a bachelor’s degree in middle school education. She has four years of teaching experience, including the past […]

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17 parishes in the diocese will host youth program ‘Totus Tuus’ this summer

In this 2018 file photo, Brinley Kluepping gazes up as Tom Anderson, a team member for Totus Tuus, explains the various aspects of Jesus' life and ministry depicted in the stained glass windows at St. Louis in Princeton during a church tour. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Totus Tuus is totally back. Seventeen parishes across the Diocese of Peoria will host the Catholic summer youth program in the coming weeks. Brought to the diocese a decade ago, the program was “online only” last summer as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning. This year, parish leaders are thrilled to welcome it back in-person and […]

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Lessons from the pandemic, as shared by our top Catholic high school graduates

Catholic leaders locally and globally have said we can’t return to “normal” after the pandemic. Marking the one-year anniversary of COVID-19’s disruption of lives in the United States, Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka urged us in mid-March to choose “a new way of living” that incorporates deeper faith in Jesus Christ, the lessons learned from the […]

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Lindsey Weishar: Embracing solidarity in a deeply divided world

My Vocation is Love / By Lindsey Weishar At the end of September 2020, I participated in The Culture Project’s Restore Culture Virtual Workshops. I was particularly struck by Chenele Shaw’s talk, titled “Why Racism is a Pro-Life Issue.” Her call was to reframe our language when talking about issues in the context of our […]

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Eucharist as divine food for our journey of transformation to eternal happiness

Living the Word / By Tim Irwin Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)/June 6 Exodus 24:3-8; Psalm 116:12-13,15-16,17-18; Hebrews 9:11-15; (Sequence) Lauda Sion; Mark 14:12-16,22-26 Christians universally recognize the promise of eternal happiness in the celebrations of Christmas and Easter. This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi — the […]

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