$200,000 challenge grant goal met by local supporters of school in Uganda

Construction on dormitories for girls and boys at St. Patrick Nursery and Primary School in Isingiro District, Uganda, can begin thanks to a successful matching grant from The Meehan Family Legacy Fund at the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.

The school, founded by Father Julius Turyatoranwa, is supported by Building Hope in Kids-Uganda (BHIK-U), which was offered the challenge grant last November. The goal was to raise $200,000 by April 30 in order to receive the matching funds.

Challenge met.

The $200,000 grant and the money contributed by supporters of the school will cover most of the cost of the two, three-story dorms. The Washington-based BHIK-U now turns its focus to raising the remaining $150,000 needed to fully fund the construction of the dormitories.

Father Julius came from Uganda in 2007 to earn his doctorate in educational administration at Illinois State University. During his 10 years in central Illinois he served the faith communities in Normal, Bloomington, Morton, Washington and East Peoria, which have taken an interest in his work to build a school in the East African nation.

His dream was to break the cycle of generational poverty in Uganda by providing the best education possible for children. To achieve that, he designed a boarding primary school, which opened with more than 300 day and boarding students in February. A two-story classroom building also serves as a temporary dormitory.

Enrollment is expected to increase substantially next year, so permanent dormitories will be needed when the new academic year starts in February 2020.

The campus also includes an administration building, dining and multi-purpose hall, kitchen, and several outbuildings.

For more information about Building Hope in Kids-Uganda, visit buildinghopeinkids.org. Tax-deductible donations may be made there or by mail to P.O. Box 612, Washington, IL 61571.

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