Pro-life events in January include evening with bishop at cathedral Jan. 24

In addition to pro-life events such as marches and Masses, the U.S. Catholic bishops invite all to take part in 9 Days for Life, a digital pilgrimage of prayer and charitable action Jan. 18-26. To downoad the novena, sign up for daily emails, or for more information, visit

Noting that January is filled with events to pray for an end to abortion and stand up in defense of life, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, is asking people to join him at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Wednesday, Jan. 24, for an evening of “prayer, penance and pilgrimage.”

It will begin with Mass at 7 p.m. and end with Benediction at 9 p.m. In between there will be time for eucharistic adoration and the sacrament of reconciliation.

The cathedral event is among those planned to mark the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade and its companion case, Doe v. Bolton, that legalized abortion.

“Marchers will gather in Chicago and our nation’s capital. Candlelight vigils will be held to remember all the victims of abortion. The bishops of our country invite us to share in a Novena for Life from Jan. 18 to 26,” Bishop Jenky said in a letter issued Dec. 13, the Feast of St. Lucy. “As a local church, we will prayerfully unite ourselves with all of these important commemorations as we gather in the cathedral.”

He asked pastors, high school and Newman Center chaplains, parish pro-life representatives, youth ministers and “all who work to spread the Gospel of Life” to bring their communities to the observance in remembrance of the unborn.

For more information, visit or call Suzie Meismer at the Family Resources Center, (309) 966-0385.

Diocesan bus trip Jan. 14 to March for Life Chicago

The Diocese of Peoria is sponsoring a bus pilgrimage to March for Life Chicago on Jan. 14, but space is limited and the registration deadline is fast approaching.

Open to persons age 18 and over, the pilgrimage leaves from the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. Prior to participating in March for Life Chicago,  participants will attend Sunday Mass at St. Michael’s Church in Chicago’s Old Town. After the march, they will have dinner at Annunciation Byzantine Church in Homer Glen and learn about the church’s icons.

Cost is $25 per person, or $10 for current college students. The registration deadline is Friday, Jan. 5, and forms are available at For more information, contact Karley Bates at (309) 671-1550 or

Filmmaker, activist keynotes prayer march, rally Jan. 22

Central Illinois Right to Life invites people to mark the 45th anniversary of the Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion by attending the Sanctity of Human Life Rally on Monday, Jan. 22, at Riverside Community Church, 207 N.E. Monroe St., in Peoria. The keynote speaker will be Jason Jones, a filmmaker and human rights activist who was the executive producer for the 2006 film “Bella.”

Jason Jones

Planned for 7 p.m., the rally will be preceded by a prayer march around the Federal Courthouse at Main and Monroe. The walk begins at 6:30 p.m. at the church.

The evening will also include prayer and music, along with updates on pro-life efforts in central Illinois. Refreshments will be available after the rally.

Jones has worked to defend vulnerable people — the homeless, persecuted Christians in Africa, and victims of “honor killing” in Iran, as well as women in crisis pregnancies — for more than 20 years. He founded the Pro-Life Student Union at the University of Hawaii and has served as director of Hawaii Right to Life, national youth director of the American Life League, and public relations director for Human Life International.

He is the founder and president of Whole Life America, and president of Movie to Movement and the Human Rights Education Organization (H.E.R.O.).

In addition to the pro-life film “Bella,” Jones has produced such short films as “Eyes to See” (2010), “Crescendo” 2011, and “Sing a Little Louder” (2015). He was also involved in the production of “Mother Marianne: Portrait of a Saint.”

He lives in Hawaii with his wife and seven children.

Family Resources Center holding open house

The Family Resources Center, 415 N.E. Monroe St., in Peoria is inviting people to come and see what is available there during an open house from Monday, Jan. 22, through Friday, Jan. 26. Visitors are welcome to pray in the chapel, and browse the collection of books, videos and displays that support and promote “the culture of life and love.”

Part of the Diocese of Peoria’s Respect Life Ministry, the center is open from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday. For more information, call Suzie Meismer at (309) 966-0385.


Pro-life Mass set for Jan. 22 in Quad Cities

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Christ the King Chapel at St. Ambrose University, 518 Locust St., will host the monthly Quad Cities inter-parish pro-life Mass on Monday, Jan. 22. It will be offered at noon.

Presentations, rosary at LaSalle church on Jan. 22

LA SALLE — Three guest speakers, including one sharing her personal story of abortion and recovery, will be part of a pro-life presentation on Monday, Jan. 22, hosted by Holy Rosary Church, 529 Fourth St. The event begins at 7 p.m. and will conclude with recitation of the rosary for the protection on unborn children in the womb.

A couple will also speak about Rachel’s Vineyard retreats for post-abortion healing, and information on the fight for the rights of the unborn and what individuals can do to promote life will be shared.

Deacon Hermes will speak at Bloomington service

BLOOMINGTON — Pro-life advocates will mark the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade with a brief memorial service on Monday, Jan. 22, at noon on the west steps of the McLean County Historical Society (the old courthouse), 200 N. Main St. The speaker will be Deacon Bob Hermes, who serves at Holy Trinity Parish, Bloomington.

Urbana church will host ecumenical pro-life vigil

URBANA — “Be Not Afraid” is the theme for an ecumenical memorial pro-life prayer vigil planned for Monday, Jan. 22, at St. Patrick Church, 708 W. Main St. It will begin at 7 p.m.

The vigil will include Scripture, testimony, and a candlelight rose procession, which is a time of prayer and reflection. The speaker will be Rev. Michael Condos from Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church in Champaign.

In addition to St. Patrick and Three Hierarchs, the vigil is being sponsored by Holy Cross Church and First Church of God, Champaign; Community Evangelical Free Church, Mahomet; and First Wesleyan Church, Urbana.

For more information, contact Shirley Kolb at (217) 762-2953 or

Prayer service planned Jan. 28 in Galesburg

GALESBURG — Rev. Leigh Nygard will talk about how each person can become a little more engaged in protecting life when he keynotes an Interdenominational Prayer Service planned for Sunday, Jan. 28. Sponsored by Knox County Right to Life, it will be held at 6:30 p.m. at First Church of God, 1080 Harrison St.

The service will include prayers for an end to abortion in the United States and for all who have suffered because of abortion, as well as music.

While he is retired, Pastor Nygard continues to live out his pro-life commitment by volunteering as a chaplain at the county jail, and leading Bible study groups and nursing home services. He has a Sunday morning radio program, “Light on the Life of Love.

His service to the community includes chairing the local Salvation Army advisory board.

Refreshments and fellowship will follow the prayer service. A free-will offering will be accepted to benefit the local Women’s Pregnancy Center.

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